Home Performing Arts Class with producer Chris Young.

Class with producer Chris Young.


Chris Young

forth to universities along the Eastern sea board giving lectures about pursuing an artistic career in an uncertain entertainment industry. In fact I had just returned from Carnegie Mellon University when I filmed my first episode.

SCV; Are you privy to any scoops about the show that we should know about?

CY: I really only hang out with the Countess, we’ve actually become quite close, so if you’re fishing for any gossip you wont hear it from me.

SCV: Is it a curse or a blessing to be a reality star?

CY: As a music producer you spend a great amount of time working by yourself and I have to say it was thrilling to share making my music with other people. So I have to say it’s been a kind blessing.

SCV: Perhaps for now, until the paparazzi catch up with you.(We both knowingly start to laugh). Can we expect to see you in any cat fights, after all- what’s a reality show without a victim or a villain?

CY:(laughing) – I think I’m like most men, when I see claws come out I like to make myself scarce.

SCV: I also understand you and the Countess are going to be releasing a second track?

CY: Yes, it’s true- It’s called ‘Chic c’est la vie.’

SCV: Of course it is (audible laughter from both ends). Does it promise to be equally as contentious as the first song?

CY: It talks about the Countess’ lifestyle and with the chorus this time it’s in French. I’m sure the Frenchies are going to love it.

SCV: Should we dare to assume that one day you will have your own reality show?

CY: I’m in the music business, my life is a show.

(momentarily looking out the window)

SCV: Aren’t you afraid you’re not getting enough oxygen living here?

CY; I live on dreams, who needs oxygen.

SCV: A pleasure to see you again.

And just like that his Blackberry starts to ring and as he picks up the phone Chris Young can be seen deeply plunging into his sofa as he suddenly mouths the words ‘Yes, Countess, I was thinking about you too….’



  1. If I had to pick btwn Kim’s and Luann’s, I would say that Luann’s is better. Plus Kim jut gets under my skin.

  2. At least they are donating the song to charity, I bet Kim and Candy took all of the profits because they are bankrupt.

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