A groundbreaking Spanish designer–Toni Francesce—I took the press pass and head backstage to see what I could uncover. Models in sleek, fitted pants, platform boots and the signature black bob cut—gold studded eyes and pale lips— lined up to practice strutting like secret agents down the catwalk. “We did a slightly smoky under eye, simple liner, mascara on both lids and no fake eyelashes. ‘Faun’ color for the dark-skinned girls and ‘nat wheat’ for the paler ones,” noted Raedawn of Mehron makeup. I noticed it: ‘the industrial meets modern motif,’ that is. Metallic gold powder dabbed on the cheeks— pale, colorless lips— it was all there: death. Privileging machine to nature—Artificial life.
“And the hair?” Vickie of Salerno hair explained that styling the models in black bob wigs’ evoked the man vs. machine theme: “Precise lines, uniformity—you know!” She explained.