Set in the penthouse of the cinematographically pristine Tribeca Skyline Studios on Hudson Street was “the seminar on social media in fashion.” The first annual fashion week event sponsored by Lume Creative, produced by Mindseed Events, featured two notable online fashion bloggers: Scott Schuman of the “The Sartorialist” and Garance Dore.
The first half of the lecture was spent discussing the qualities that differentiate “street-style blogs from company ones, like and Cnn blogs. Consolidating the three points privileging the more personable, artistic blogs like Garance’s or “The Sartorialist” is
*1) Illustrations
*2) Point of view
*3) Honesty.
‘Street-style’ blogs are powerful because they control all the content as opposed to fashion blogs, which steal photos or content from the Internet. ‘The most interesting blogs are ‘personalized’, made into something consistent,’ notes Scott who emphasizes the ‘potential of a world scope’ in the latter.