Home Visual Arts Splendor at the 2010 American Antiques Show.

Splendor at the 2010 American Antiques Show.

Guests attend The American Antiques Show (TAAS) Benefit Preview
Photography by Keith Lew.- Keithlew.com

What makes a good collection? What is it that an antiques collector is trying to get his hands on and where does an antique dealer begin to look for the things that they deem valuable. These where the questions in the back of my mind as I headed out recently to the American Antiques show- ‘Best of America,’ at the Metropolitan Pavilion for their preview party benefiting our much adored American Folk Art Museum.

When we arrived we were pleasantly surprised to find a wide array of collections on hand, items that most of us would adore and value and at some point (as in this authors case dreamt languorously dreamed over) as youths could have aspired- vintage box car sets, hand carved ruby dolls and sensuous items that even today never fail to inspire and install desire. Of course when I say we arrived I have to point out that the most ardent collectors paid a premium to arrive at the collection just before the general public did just so they may have first ‘digs’ on preferred items…

Mulling the vast space we ran into an array of notable guests that we have come over time to adore and become friends with. These guests included-Mario Buatta, Stanley and Fiona Druckenmiller, Robin Chandler Duke, Alexa Hampton, Duane Hampton, Cathy Hardwick, Robert and Marjorie Hirshhorn, Ellie Cullman Kravis, Dick and Laura Parsons, Martha Stewart, and Jonathan Soros. Apparently there were also a number of Texans on hand too- with LBJ’s daughter, Lynda Johnson Robb as grand chair.

Guests attend The American Antiques Show (TAAS) Benefit Preview