Home Visual Arts Splendor at the 2010 American Antiques Show.

Splendor at the 2010 American Antiques Show.


Guests attend The American Antiques Show (TAAS) Benefit Preview
Scallywag, Ronald Herrmann, Jeanette Longoria, Radha Mimi.

Of course some of the most charming guests included Ms Jeanette Longoria, a native Texan who amazed us with her with and the many necklaces dangling from her neck, each that I was told was given by various kings, princes and counts. Her brother – Ronald Herrmann, Chairman of the event was also at hand and he had a bit of advice to offer as regards rearing race horses- ‘get them lean.’

We also came along ‘Moments of Luxury,’ star William Stubbs (which airs on PBS) and we immediately proceeded to ask him what makes for a good collection and how one begins to attain one. He indeed alluded that it takes a certain nuanced sensibility and an awareness of what makes a particular item special, its history, its rareness factor and to some degree the prestige factor. That said he said he was having a marvelous time with the show which aims to take the viewer to wonderful towns (across the world) and look for those local items that one could begin to incorporate in their own lifestyle choices along with meeting inspiring designers and auteurs.  Well, some people do have the most fascinating lives!

From there it was continued grandeur as we delighted in the many work being displayed, and the wonderful personalities who were present- Audrey Hackler, Phylis Kosson, Yan Willem van Bergen (a Dutch collector) and of course the chair himself Mr Barry Briskin we this Scallywag always always takes an immeasurable delight in running across. At last the call to leave came and once again this writer was left silently whimpering at the boxed car set he had once again failed to acquire…

Guests attend The American Antiques Show (TAAS) Benefit Preview
Dazzling guests- Phylis Kosson.
Guests attend The American Antiques Show (TAAS) Benefit Preview
Barry Briskin and guest.