Home Nightlife Guernica mag turns 5- amuses us with Viagra and intellectual nuance…

Guernica mag turns 5- amuses us with Viagra and intellectual nuance…



Joel Whitney, Wendy Chin-Tanner, Emma Forrest, Shannon O'Kelly

A lovely evening, I look forward to coming to the 6th anniversary but next time I’ll bring my press pass because poor old Joel Whitney couldn’t believe I too had relegated myself to the miserable but very hilarious career of that of  a writer/blogger. Indeed we all have.

Keep  up the brilliant work Guernica- the world is counting on you!

Race and Humor at the Atlantic Magazine. Tre chic.

Writers and Guernica contributors: Beth Harrison, Kristen French, Nathalie Handal, Robin Beth Schaer
Guernica Co-Founders Joel Whitney and Michael Archer