SCV: So how does that translate in a place like NYC?
Randy: Simple- the agency isn’t even going to bother with you unless they really believe they can do something with you, it’s cut and dry here.
SCV: So how did your agent decide to market you? I mean ultimately you’re a product, an image for hire.
Randy: They saw me as this edgy dark cool dude. But what happened instead was I suddenly started to get booked for H & M, Wrangler, Avon TV commercials, and that’s when the work just started to really fly in. I ended up being more of a commercial model than anticipated.
SCV: Then what happened?
Randy: I went and did the European circuit. The Milan Paris loop.
SCV: How did that go. Did you book?
Randy: Yeah, I even came out ahead after expenses. Everyone was like it’s so difficult and you’re going to hate it, but I actually kind of loved it. I booked a lot of the shows in Milan and Paris, maybe more in Paris cause they still like to use big guys in Milan.
SCV: Who was your agent in Milan and what did you think of it?
Randy: I was with Beatrice and I tell you they’re all mad over there. It’s all fashion 24/7. But I probably ruined 3 shoes while I was there, I just hate the streets, they’re so confusing, once piazza after another.
SCV: And Paris?
Randy: I adore Paris- I was with Bananas, but then I ended up switching to Success, I’ll spare you that story…
SCV: Is there any noticeable difference with the way Europeans go about fashion as opposed to how it’s done in NYC?
Randy: Yes, the Europeans take all day, where as New Yorkers like to knock it all out in an hour- strictly business.You wouldn’t think twice if a casting took all day in Paris, it’s just the way things kind of happen there, you know by the time you have your cafe, croissant, read a chapter of something…It kind of grows on you after a while…
SCV: And yet you returned to NYC after the collections?
Randy: Actually my agent in Paris really wanted me to stay for the campaign season and at this stage I was embroiled in a long distance relationship that was costing me a dollar a text. By the time I got back I had a $3000 phone bill a girl friend that was cheating on me and fees that I was suppose to collect but that no one could explain to me what had happened to.
SCV: So then what happened?
Randy: I decided I wanted out. That maybe being a model wasn’t really worth it, that maybe what I ought to be doing is pursuing a career as an artist. That’s when I returned to Rhode Island, enrolled in fine art lessons.
SCV: But you didn’t stay there for too long?
Randy: No- my manager – George Star came out looking for me and insisted I come back to NYC.
SCV: And did you?
Randy: Begrudgingly. He set up a couple of appointments with new agencies and it was just a mess- I walked in there, they took one look at me, my tattoos and barely whispered ‘I wasn’t right for them.’
SCV: But…?
Randy: That’s when I get a phone call one day from George who tells me that FUSION desperately wants to see me, then and there.
SCV: How did that turn out?
Randy: Wonderful. I’ve been with them for over a year now and they’re always getting me work, but I was like- “:look guys don’t book me for any of that Abercrombie and Fitch stuff, keep me on the haute couture circuit.”
Scando was here.
i knew id find u 1 day, did u completely 4get about ur child? Daeqwon is 3 yrs old now! u owe me some child support.