Home Fashion Downtown ‘It Girl’ JULIA G.

Downtown ‘It Girl’ JULIA G.


But Julia G. doesn’t dwell on Platonic constructs or fantasy, she lives in and engages with the here and now and does so with amazing poise, humor, criticality and an all out Dionysian embrace. Educated in England from young age, she’s been steeped in boarding school etiquette and has read the Classics (she loves to hate on Dostoyevski, The Jersey Shore and says of the follies of the USSR that “Russian political culture has reduced the people to unspeakable poverty, to literal starvation, and has kept them on a stagnant level of misery. The apparatchiki and Oligarchs are basically morons.” She references literature and history like a proper pundit and has way of saying outrageous things in stylish phrases.  With roots going back to Vladivostok, she masters Russian and French like a razor-knife that cuts right through the staid and banal discourse of her interlocutors.

Her friends think she is sassy but affable, always impeccably dressed and downright cutting-edge.  This stunner has an acute revulsion to hyperbole and plain balderdash, which she calls out every time (and which is a delight to witness first hand). It is what one calls sardonic wit and classthe variety that reigned supreme in the 19th century French and British empires, in the salons described by Victorian writer John Ruskin.  Only this precocious ingénue is all about the contemporaneous, the present, the raw and the real and she delights in ‘slapping the chap’ whenever the opportunity presents itself.



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