Home Visual Arts What happens when you bring an Englishman to NY via LA?

What happens when you bring an Englishman to NY via LA?



SCV: Yeah, look do you know what that girl’s name is?

AP: I should think so, she’s my girlfriend.

SCV:So what brings you to NY?

AP: Business.

SCV: (deflated) Really, what kind of business?

AP: You’re sitting in it.

SCV: I see, these are yours?!

AP: But you like them right?

SCV: Of course, they’re nifty and kind of cutting edge.

AP: You think so?

SCV: Ok, well it isn’t what you intended right.

AP: Well of course. I like to push the boundaries. Take the material for example- corain.

SCV: Well, what about it?

AP: Well, ( the girl comes by now and gingerly grazes his arm) it’s one of the most premium synthetic materials currently on the market. It allows you to cut perfect forms, and it’s heat formidable, which makes it so malleable.

SCV: (watching the girl while I rub the chair ) Well, I can see that. Very sleek and thin, dynamic I’d say.

AP: (wrapping his arm around the blonde) Very.

Sake Bomb

SCV: So why NY then?

AP: Well, it’s interesting, I studied at Cambridge before coming to continue my studies in design at the College of Design in Pasadena, in California.

SCV: Cambridge? Hmm, I hear they have a great cricket team.

AP: And a lovely literary and debating team.

SCV: Which you obviously captained?

AP: That would be a bit too capricious to offer. So now that we’ve been experimenting and finessing our designs, Richard, my partner over here (also straddling some leggy girl…) decided we just had to get over to NYC and pit ourselves with what we consider some of the most cutting edge and contemporary design.

SCV: What informs your designs?

AP: Ultimately (the blonde in his arms laughing far too loud) – it’s just an emotional connection.

SCV: I should think so. Well, would you like me to get you a drink?

AP: No mate, that’s okay, I’ve got everything I need here.



  1. All of the JFK pieces were designed my Rich Overcash as was the Tour Lounge. The dishes and corion piece were designed by Alex PUrcell. There must have been a confusion in your notes.

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