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NJ woman has leg amputated by train, then lifts self up on platform

Lisa Fitzgerald, Morristown, N.J woman has leg amputated by NJT train only to then lift herself back on the platform.
Lisa Fitzgerald, Morristown, N.J woman has leg amputated by NJT train only to then lift herself back on the platform as she triumphs over adversity.
Lisa Fitzgerald, Morristown, N.J woman has leg amputated by NJT train only to then lift herself back on the platform.
Lisa Fitzgerald, Morristown, N.J woman has leg amputated by NJT train only to then lift herself back on the platform as she triumphs over adversity.

Lisa Fitzgerald, Morristown, N.J woman has leg amputated by NJT train only to then lift herself back on the platform and call for help as she triumphs over adversity. 

A 29 year old New Jersey woman has lived to tell how she survived the ordeal of having her leg amputated by a train earlier this month along with hoisting herself back up on the platform where she proceeded to scream for help while attempting to tourniquet her own leg.

Lisa Fitzgerald was struck by a New Jersey Transit (NJT) train at the Morristown train station in northern New Jersey on May 5. The ‘freak accident’ occurred amid ‘pouring rain’ as the 29 year old woman waited for a train to take her to NYC.

‘Freak accident…somehow, she wound up under the train,’ the woman’s mother, Weil-Fitzgerald told FOX News. ‘Her (left) leg was immediately severed off of her.’

Lisa Fitzgerald, Morristown, N.J woman has leg amputated by NJT train only to then lift herself back on the platform.
Lisa Fitzgerald, Morristown, N.J woman has leg amputated by NJT train only to then lift herself back on the platform.

‘You have ten seconds to give me help!’ 

The mother explained that the train was still coming into the station when Lisa was struck and hit by the last few cars of the train just on 7.23pm. 

‘She corralled herself up onto the platform and she waited on the tracks,’ Weil-Fitzgerald told the outlet. ‘She crawled herself over, poor thing.’

‘She was like, ‘I was just so scared that my hair was going to get caught up in there and that they were going to suck [me back in],’ the mother added.

‘So she waited for the train to stop. She levied herself up on to the platform and she started screaming for help.’

Weil-Fitzgerald told Fox News that some people at the Morristown train station just walked by her and ignored her screams. Lisa wasn’t helped until an NJT worker noticed her.

‘Her leg was completely severed. She was bleeding out…she started screaming for help,’ Weil-Fitzgerald explained.

‘And somebody that works for New Jersey Transit, the ticket collector, came over, and he totally freaked out.’

‘She said, ‘You have ten seconds to give me help. And she started screaming, counting, ’One, two, three,” the mother described. ‘And luckily enough, two Morristown Police Department officers heard.’

Lisa tried tourniquetting her own leg with her t-shirt until police officers assisted her.

29 year old N.J woman has leg amputated by NJT train only to then lift herself back on the platform.
Pictured, Lisa Fitzgerald, Morristown, N.J woman.

From adversity to triumph

The Morristown Department of Public Safety (MDPS) confirmed the incident in a Facebook post.

‘Upon making contact with the female, [an officer] noticed her left leg right above the knee was severed from her body and she was bleeding profusely,’ the MDPS statement read.

‘He immediately applied a tourniquet and tightened it until the bleeding was observed to have stopped.’

Morristown Fire Department (MFD) officials also arrived to assist officers and recover the missing limb. Lisa’s leg was located under the train and given to medical personnel.

‘The actions of Officers Hollain, Cerrick and Moran undoubtedly saved this woman’s life,’ officials added.

‘They exhibited unwavering composure which facilitated quick effective decision-making and provided comfort and support to the victim.’

Weil-Fitzgerald told Fox News, that even in the tragic situation, Lisa’s bright personality shone through.

‘She was totally coherent and she was making jokes,’ she said. ‘She was like, ‘Please get me to the hospital. I’m not going to die this way.”

Lisa was rushed to a hospital and treated, but her leg could not be re-attached. 

A GoFundMe set up by her sister has raised over $80,500 so far.

The tragic incident happened two weeks before Lisa’s 30th birthday party.

Lisa, who is one of 8 siblings, has been called the ‘Miracle of Morristown’ for surviving the incident and displaying resilience and grit through her recovery. 

‘She’s unbelievable,’ Lisa’s mother said.She has not stopped smiling.’