Mauricio Garcia diary: Texas mall shooter musings, writings leading up to the weekend shooting revealed a conflicted self loathing individual who in many ways also mirrored the discord flourishing in current society. Themes in racism, masculinity, society, gun violence and hatred of women.
‘I’m Hispanic whether I like it or not.’ Journal entries apparently written by Texas mall shooter Mauricio Garcia detail his hatred toward women and several races, including his own Hispanic background, along with a perverse devotion to the ‘Aryan’ race.
Over a hundred pages of the handwritten diary in a self titled expose, ‘Diary of a Psychopathic Child,’ were posted as pictures alongside ID cards, snaps of Garcia with Hooters waitresses, his guns and racist tattoos on a since-deleted profile on a Russian social media site.
Given the fact that Garcia posted what amounts to an entire personal diary, it is is likely that the gunman was intentionally leaving a paper trail to be found after the attack. One of the shooter’s final posts read, ‘And you already know how this will end I wish I could be there to see the Shit storm I cause.’

‘Aryans of the World. RAISE YOUR HANDS UP RIGHT NOW!’
The shooter’s scribes saw him supporting Nazism and reminiscing about when he ‘became a full blown white supremacist’.
‘Don’t they care about the future of their race,’ the 33-year-old Security Guard wrote in one post according to the nypost referencing moments that failed to ‘wake white people up.’
Continuing: ‘Their (sic) like children everything has to be done for them. When are you going to grow up can’t you Aryans do anything by yourselfs (sic). Darn those Aryans.
‘Maybe their (sic) not worth saving, Aryans of the World. RAISE YOUR HANDS UP RIGHT NOW OR YOUR ALL GOING TO DIE.’
Mauricio Garcia the Allen Texas killer supported MAGA Republicans, Proud Boys, and neo-Nazis.
But that IS NOT what all mass shootings have in common.
This is what they ALL have in common👇🏼 pic.twitter.com/VL6Rv1Sfvj
— BlueDream 💙 (@58bugeye) May 8, 2023
‘That’s when I became a full blown white supremacist.’
Garcia, who killed eight before being shot dead by police, later added: ‘I used to think of myself as Benny from [movie] The Sandlot. An all American kid who just happens to be not white. I’m just a visitor. I’m Hispanic whether I like it or not.’
Garcia also targeted women and people of the Jewish, Asian and Indian descents, among other populations.
The self loathing and conflicted gunman also wrote about his short-lived stint in the US Army — who confirmed he had been kicked out during basic training over the state of his mental health — saying he had ‘never been around so many white people.’
Noted one passage cited by the Daily Beast: ‘And you know what? They weren’t the racist the media made them out to be. I then met actual White nationalist & that’s when I became a full blown white supremacist.’
‘[O]ne of my white friend’s actually said, ‘I’m not a racist compared to you,’’ Garcia wrote in one passage.
In another post, Garcia described how he believed ‘Western man towers over everybody.’
‘If the Aryans ever decide to take back America their (sic) not going to have a hard time,’ he wrote, ‘Every time I’m about to fight another Hispanic just like umbrellas they fold…’
Citing the Great Replacement conspiracy theory that has inspired racist mass murders around the world, in one post from 2022, Garcia wrote, ‘America is controlled by a cabal of scheming Jews, and the time has come to rise up against them. We are being flooded by hordes of disreputable brown fiends, women are all total whores, most of them are also fat, video games are getting shittier every week and….nothing is going to change unless we take decisive and radical action in the very immediate future. We must act to save America, and we must do it now.’

Arabs and women reviled and despised
Later on in the same post, referencing Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, he wrote ‘Today I am announcing my campaign for President of the United States….we are going to make America white again.’
Garcia also harbored special disdain for the gay community.
Wrote the Texas mall shooter in one passage, ‘you better believe their [sic] wouldn’t be we’ll convert your children drag queen story hour loser’s [sic] running around loose…under Hitler’s watch.’
Other posts contained vicious anti-Muslim slurs, including using pejorative terms such as ‘towel heads,’ ‘terrorist bitch,’ ‘mooselimb savages,’ ‘camel rapists’ and ‘sand monkeys.’ Garcia wrote that Muslims are not to be trusted, and referred to Arabic as ‘terrorist chicken scratch’.
Other parts of the diary Garcia described both his apparent hate for women while also lusting after them. In entires he frequently refers to women in derogatory and vile terms.
In one entry he wrote: ‘Their’s (sic) no way in hell I would ever sleep w/ the women of a race I hated. Unless it was rape (because rape is a special kind of evil).’
At other times Garcia — who reportedly called himself an ‘incel’, short for involuntary celibate — wrote about women he had crushes on, professing his love for certain girls he appeared to know, saying he ‘touched himself’ while thinking about them, and imaginging himself in heroic terms whenever he interacted with them.

In one entry titled ’10/6 The Day Of Awesome’ Garcia describes how two girls were sympathetic toward him after he had injured his foot and been in hospital for treatment.
Armed with an automatic assault rifle, Garcia killed eight people and wounded seven others over the course of four minutes outisde a mall in Allen, Texas on Saturday.
Police have said he arrived at the Allen Premium Outlets at about 3:36 p.m., when he hopped out of a gray Dodge Charger and opened fire.
The eight victims included two sisters and a 3-year-old boy and his parents.
So, according to new information that has been uncovered, Mauricio Garcia uploaded a video to Youtube before the mass shooting and scheduled it to be published after this evil bastard presumably believed he would be dead. This is the face of evil. pic.twitter.com/YOGneBXjwX
— Melissa (@Proudmimi12) May 8, 2023
Texas mall shooter planned release of YouTube video day after massacre
An Allen police officer who was responding to a different call in area rushed to the scene and fatally shot a heavily-armed Garcia.
A video appeared shortly after the carnage on a YouTube page investigators believe was linked to Garcia. According to a report via the dailymail, the video had been deliberately scheduled to appear in the aftermath of the twisted Texas mall massacre.
The clip shows Garcia taking off a Scream mask and asking viewers, ‘Not quite what you were expecting, huh?’
Which is to say, this would be the shooter’s special moment of ‘F*ck you world!’
As for the social media site where Garcia posted his journal entries, the shooter posted an animated picture of a bear standing next to a full moon.
‘May 5 Friday 2023,’ the post stated. ‘Moons full loser’s (sic). See you in the morning.’
The hundreds of photos and journal entries posted to social media site over the past several months were deleted Tuesday afternoon. They included pictures of his tattoos, including a black swastika covering the left side of his chest.
Garcia’s page also featured several photos of other people wearing swastikas and Nazi regalia and even a Nazi wedding with the bride and groom in uniform.
‘My kind of people,’ he captioned the photos.
Garcia also shared images of himself smiling with Hooters girls, and screenshots of movie star Renee Zellweger.
‘Now that’s a girl who knows how to make a guy smile. How to drive a guy crazy,’ the depraved gunman wrote.

Self hating and seeking self validation in the worse way
Other images showed several rounds of ammunition, and boxes of the bullets with the caption, “Locked and loaded.”
Alongside images of his guns, he wrote: ‘Me testing out my toys.’
Ammunitions the gunman had easily been able to order online en masse (despite previous bouts of mental illness that ought to have precluded him from such acquisitions) for his upcoming ‘big day’, as he kept a diary of him preparing for the imminent Texas mall bloodbath – including peak shopping times at the shopping center in the weeks ahead.
Garcia’s stepfather told the Daily Beast he and his family ‘want answers’ just as much as the public.
‘You know how people are feeling about this, this horrible thing,’ he told the outlet. ‘Believe me, it’s horrible.’
Sometimes the answers are in front of us. But sometimes the horrors are inside of us. Sometimes the actions that lead to the slaughter of many and the innocent is simply a reflection of a fragmented, chaotic society which often times leads to the brooding discontent of troubled men seeking their own special brand of justice and self affirmation – that they weren’t able to constructively afford themselves while alive in a society that they believed made them feel disposable and discarded. Until one Saturday afternoon…