The benefits of wellbeing in the workplace; from staff retention, worker improved productivity, branding & reputation of employer.
Wellbeing in the workplace might sound like an internet buzzword, but it has some indisputable applications and results. When you cultivate a wholesome and happy company culture, it impacts every area of the business, from productivity levels to the brand’s client experience.
Staff Retention
Mental health and wellbeing are high priorities for people and employees in the modern world. We all accept that stress is part of the working day, but employers also know that stress reduction can boost productivity, brand reputation, and staff retention rates improving revenue.
Wellbeing in the workplace improves the company culture and business productivity. When employees know their mental wellbeing is important and taken seriously, they display more loyalty and a stronger work ethic. Make sure your business has wellbeing services in place.
Better Services
When your employees are happier, they perform better in the workplace and with your clients, further enhancing the company’s reputation. When workers feel stressed and overwhelmed, it affects productivity rather than enhancing it. It can also lead to a sub-optimal client experience.
EAP stands for the employee assistance program. It is an integrated wellness program for employees in a business offering one-to-one counseling, 24/7 phone support, and a suite of online tools to keep your workers happy, healthy, and productive for the benefit of the business.
Improved Reputation
When a business cares about the wellbeing of its employees, word spreads. A business with wellbeing at its core attracts and retains top talent improving the productivity and reputation of the business and brand. It can also help a business’s reputation flourish within the industry.
If you want a reputation as a modern progressive business, you need to take the wellbeing of employees seriously. Employees are the core of a business, and looking after their health helps to retain workers and clients long-term. This is a recipe for success, no matter the industry.
Happier Workplace
Hiring new staff can be expensive. Not only do you need to pay the salaries of your HR personnel to conduct interviews and select suitable candidates, but you must also train the staff, a significant cost to your business. This makes staff retention a high priority for your business.
When you invest in employee wellbeing, you also invest in better retention rates lowering your costs and improving your bottom line. Forget about high worker turnover – it is a costly system that fails your business – instead, take wellbeing in the workplace seriously and see the results.
More Productivity
Happier employees are more loyal to the business and have a better work ethic. People who feel valued and supported in the workplace are willing to work harder because they appreciate the company culture. They might even come to identify with the brand and feel some pride.
All of this translate into better productivity and better profits for our company. While wellbeing in the workplace might sound like an unnecessary expense, a little investment goes a long way. Think of a wellbeing investment as something similar to team bonding, nights out, or training.