Checklist on looking perfect on your wedding day: why preparing for the big day is essential and what you should keep in mind, from clothes, hair & makeup, looking and feeling your physical best & inviting those closest to you.
On your wedding day you need to look your best. You can only have your first wedding once. Even if you divorce and remarry, there will never be another first. Because of how important a day one’s wedding is, preparation is essential. The most important preparations you can make is to buy clothes and do your hair and makeup. Looking your best will ensure that the photographs taken are all perfect. You would be surprised at how many people pay to have their wedding photos redone. Get them right the first time however and do-overs won’t be necessary.
Here is how you can look perfect on your wedding day:
Organising Outfits
Arguably the most important stage of the wedding planning process is selecting outfits. Most couples hire professional photographers to take pictures of them and their loved ones at their weddings. It is, therefore, important to look one’s best. Unfortunately though, many women are unable to buy the dress of their dreams. Wedding dresses can cost a fortune. You can save money on yours by shopping for wedding dresses which are preowned and have been used. By shopping sensibly you should be able to find one that is in brand-new condition.
Quality Photographer
No matter how good you look if you try to save money by booking an inexperienced or cheap photographer, your wedding photos will look rubbish. Many couples think that saving themselves money by asking a relative with a camera to take photos for them is a good idea. Doing this at your wedding will only end in tears, however. You only get one opportunity to take your wedding photos. Hire a professional photographer to take them for you so they look perfect. The easiest way to find a photographer is to consult a wedding directory. Many such directories exist online. The vast majority of them are free to use.
Perfect Venue
Another important consideration to make is the venue of your wedding. It is true that wedding venues can be expensive, but like with a quality photographer, an expensive venue is an investment that’s worth making. If you are religious then you might want to have your ceremony in a religious hall and then book a larger venue out, like a country house, for the afterparty. If religion is not your thing then you could always have the ceremony at the same place you have the afterparty. Research, shop around, and find the venue that’s right for you.

Hair and Makeup
Hair and makeup are two important things to think about and plan in advance. Most women have them done the morning of their wedding. It is much easier having them done on the morning of your wedding because you then don’t have to worry about ruining them in bed the night before. Make sure that you hire a qualified beautician to manage your hair and makeup for you. A lot of women try to save money by hiring inexperienced or underqualified stylists. Again, taking shortcuts with your wedding will only end in tears and upset. Read a stylist’s reviews before hiring them so you can be sure they are worth the money they are charging.
Other Guests
Most couples set themes for their weddings. The most common theme is the traditional wedding, i.e., formalwear. On your wedding day, you will be taking pictures with many of the guests who’re in attendance. If they are not looking their best then they will ruin the pictures that they are in. It is especially important to make sure that your family members and close friends are wearing appropriate clothing, as they are the ones you will take the most photos with. If they are not looking their best then they will ruin your wedding pictures. When sending out your invitations ensure that you only invite people close to you, whose company you will enjoy. Your guestlist is just as important as the way that you look.
Getting Sleep
The night before your wedding you need to try and get as much sleep as you can. While the night before a wedding can be an anxious time, getting sleep is essential. If you do not sleep very well then you will wake up feeling exhausted. A lack of sleep can impact the way you look, too. If you think you are going to struggle to sleep on the night before your wedding, reach out to your family doctor and ask them to prescribe sleeping pills to you. As long as you are not allergic to any drugs they should be more than happy to accommodate you.
Physical Fitness
If you are in bad shape, your physical fitness is something you need to work on improving in the weeks leading up to your wedding. Do not make the mistake of overeating and treating your body poorly before your wedding. You need to look your best. A strict exercise regime will help you to ensure that you look your best. After your wedding, do not drift back into unhealthy habits. Continue trying to look your best. If you do not take care of your health then you will suffer the consequences later on in life.

Avoid Drinking
On the day of your wedding, it is natural to want to unwind and let your hair down. However, drinking too much can lead to you behaving inappropriately and ruining your wedding for everybody else that’s in attendance. At weddings where the bride and groom drink too much, fights and arguments are common. You should look your best at your wedding – drinking too much alcohol will ruin your image. You should not restrict the amount that your guests drink, however. Offering an open bar to your guests is a good way of ensuring that they have fun. You can drink on your honeymoon instead. Most wedding venues will offer open bars for a reasonable price. There is only so much people can drink, after all.
Enjoying Yourself
Your wedding day is yours. Do not try to live up to anybody else’s expectations. You should enjoy yourself. If you do not particularly care how you look (or if it is not your main concern) then do not let anybody else force you into overdressing or doing anything that makes you uncomfortable. The only person’s opinion you should be listening to besides your own is your partner. If they have a good reason why you should dress or act a specific way, then listen to what they say, and if it sounds reasonable, take it on board. That being said, if you object to any of your partner’s suggestions then raise your concerns.
Turning up to your wedding looking anything less than perfect is something you will come to regret. You only get one wedding day and if you do not make the most of it then you will likely kick yourself about it for the rest of your life. Look your best and you will most certainly feel your best.