Home Pop Culture How Do the WSOP Pros Play for So Many Hours a Day?

How Do the WSOP Pros Play for So Many Hours a Day?

WSOP pros
How WSOP pros manage to play poker for so many hours a day. Pictured American Poker Professional player, Phil Hellmuth.
WSOP pros
How WSOP pros manage to play poker for so many hours a day. Pictured American Poker Professional player, Phil Hellmuth.

If you have ever wondered how the WSOP pros manage to play poker for so many hours a day, continue reading to find out everything you could ever need to know. 

If you are a fan of professional poker or enjoy watching minor and major professional poker tournaments, you may have wondered how professional poker players manage to maintain the mental fortitude and physical stamina to play for so many hours a day. It may sound relatively easy to spend upwards of 5 hours on your favourite video game console but with little to no opportunity for breaks in-between if and when necessary, a professional poker tournament can be time-consuming and exhausting. If you are wondering how the WSOP pros play for so many hours a day, continue reading.

By wearing comfortable clothing 

If you have ever tuned in to a professional poker tournament, or the WSOP (World Series of Poker) in particular, you may have noticed participants wearing comfortable clothing as opposed to the type of formal attire we are so accustomed to seeing poker players wearing in film and media. It is largely due to the fact that they are expected to remain seated for long periods of time with little to no opportunity for breaks in-between. In addition, this may also alleviate back or joint pain that can arise as a result of sitting the vast majority of the day.   

By practising  

It may sound cliché but in order to play poker for long periods of time, professional poker players, and WSOP pros, must practice both online and offline as often as possible. This can allow them to sharpen their existing skills and, perhaps more importantly, become familiar with sitting for a similar length of time that would be expected of them if they were to participate in a professional poker tournament. It can be done by participating in minor professional poker tournaments in-person or by mastering their craft on a top-rated online poker platform such as GGPoker 

By stretching  

In order to maintain unwavering levels of productivity and morale during high-stakes or high-pressure matches, a number of WSOP pros have been known to walk away from the table to stretch at regular intervals throughout a game. It can, for example, be a great opportunity to stretch their legs, refresh their eyes, and sharpen their mind after playing for so many hours a day. This is especially true during online matches with the vast majority of WSOP events scheduling 20-minute breaks between levels to allow players to rest and recuperate so they can continue playing.

By listening to music 

If you have ever tuned in to watch a professional poker tournament, or the WSOP, you have probably noticed a number of professional poker players wearing headphones or earphones to listen to music whilst at the table. This has become common practice within the wider professional poker scene over the years and is usually done in an attempt to create a welcome distraction from the action of the match and allow players to improve their mood, retain razor-sharp focus, and, perhaps more importantly, stay awake during moments of down-time or when the game is only just finding its feet.  

If you are a professional poker fan, you may have asked yourself the age-old question and wondered how professional poker players, and WSOP pros, manage to play for so many hours a day with little to no opportunity for breaks in-between. This is, however, largely possible by wearing comfortable clothing, practising, stretching, and listening to music at the table and of course a particular psychology to the game. If you have recently taken up poker on an amateur or professional level, it may benefit you to follow suit and copy the advice of players that have spent years sharpening their skills and mastering their craft.