Robert Brissette Utah Trump supporter verbally abuses, coughs on Black Lives Matter protesters, becomes widely hated on the internet.
Viral video has captured a Utah Trump supporter repeatedly shouting and coughing on Black Lives Matter protesters.
Robert Brissette, 42, was pumping gas at a Kanab, Utah, service station Saturday when he got into an ‘altercation’ with a small group of demonstrators who took offense at the Trump flag on the back of his white pickup truck, Newsweek reports.
Incensed, Brissette confronts the sign waving protesters.
‘Black lives don’t matter. All lives matter,’ Brissette shouts in the video. ‘You look like a little pansy-ass piece of s—t.’
Matters continue to escalate as video shows Brissette coughing on demonstrators no less than 11 times, with some shoving him away and fending him off with their signs.
I’m sorry: Utah man who coughed on BLM protesters fired
Trump supporter in Utah says “Black lives don’t matter” & coughs on protesters pic.twitter.com/P012t6EFhL
— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) October 14, 2020

‘I need help to clear my name …’
‘Oh, I’m so scared of your little f—-g virus,’ Brissette says.
The two sides exchange obscenities as Brissette now walks back to his truck, as two protesters are heard yelling, ‘take your hate somewhere else.’
According to a GoFundMe page Brissette set up following the incident, the Trump supporter posted he was charged by police over the encounter, while claiming he was the victim.
The page has a goal of $10,000 but had raised just $50 by Wednesday afternoon the New York Post reported before being removed later on in the early evening.
‘Two of the protesters threw rocks at me,’ Brissette wrote on the page. ‘I went to confront them and was totally verbally attacked. So without touching anyone I called out the BLM at this point someone started recording it. During my rant two women hit me.’
‘And now I’m being charged with starting it,’ Brissette added. ‘I need help to clear my name against these race beating protesters.’
Come Wednesday, Brissette updated his Facebook cover photo.

‘LIVES MATTER!’ the post said. ‘If you need a color in from of those words, YOU’RE a racist.’
In an earlier post he wrote, ‘do not believe partial Videos they do not tell the hole (sic) story. A group will only post what they want you to believe.’
‘Go die,’ one commenter responded.
Kanab Police Department has to date declined to return media overtures for comment.