What led to Camille Wasinger-Konrad a Colorado mother abandoning her ‘dead baby’ in the backyard of a Highlands Ranch home?
Colorado authorities have arrested 23 year old woman, Camille Wasinger-Konrad after her ‘dead baby’ with its umbilical cord still attached was found in the backyard of a home.
Douglas County deputies told of the mother being held without bond upon her arrest, with the woman now facing a potential first degree murder charge.
The Denver Post reported authorities receiving a 911 call Tuesday night from a witness who said they saw what looked like a lifeless baby in the backyard of a home in Highlands Ranch.
The official cause of the baby’s death has yet to be determined by the Douglas County Coroner’s Office. Also not clear is who the child’s father was and if they had been aware that Wasinger-Konrad was pregnant, and if so, why not?
It wasn’t clear whether the baby had been murdered at the time of its birth or whether its death came as a result of being exposed to the elements?
The sheriff’s office has recommended that Wasinger-Konrad be charged with first-degree murder.
Authorities said that Wasinger-Konrad was renting a room at a home on the same block where the newborn’s body was discovered, The Denver Channel reported.
Investigators have yet to reveal the baby’s gender.
## Colorado mom found guilty of smothering newborn baby & throwing her over fence

Colorado’s safe haven law: 72 hours to give up a newborn baby unharmed with no legal ramifications.
Under Colorado’s ‘safe haven law,’ any parent wishing to give away their infant child may do so within 72 hours of giving birth – as long as the baby has not been harmed.
Parents who fail to meet the 72-hour deadline are at risk of being charged with abandonment.
‘If a woman has been hiding her pregnancy and denying it, for whatever reason, this gives her the opportunity to keep her secret safe, while also keeping her baby safe,’ said Safe Haven for Newborns Executive Director Linda Prudhomme.
In November, Colorado authorities arrested Alaya Dotson, 16, two days after she allegedly suffocated her newborn daughter by shoving a rock down her throat.
Dotson was charged as an adult.
Wasinger-Konrad is scheduled to appear in court on Jan. 9.