Home Scandal and Gossip Minneola Superhero: deaf man with autism dressed as superman beaten on Florida...

Minneola Superhero: deaf man with autism dressed as superman beaten on Florida corner

Minneola Superhero
Pictured Florida man, Rae Pitt also known as Minneola Superhero.
Minneola Superhero
Pictured Florida man, Rae Pitt also known as Minneola Superhero.

How Minneola Superhero a deaf Florida man with autism dressed as superman was beaten while cheering passerbys at a street corner. 

Rae Pitt a 19 year old Florida teen with autism has had to endure a rueful awakening after suffering a beat down while standing at a corner dressed as a superhero.

At the time Pitt, who is also deaf was waving at passerby’s at the intersection of Minneola‘s Highway 27 and Washington st when he encountered an individual who said they wanted to fight ‘Superman’.

A staple in the Lake County neighborhood, Pitt who wears his Superman suit daily has come to be known by his kitsch moniker, ‘Minneola Superhero.’

Justice was swiftly served with 26 year old man, Tyler McCorvey arrested soon after the unprovoked attack reported WESH 2.

McCorvey told officers he had gone to the area to challenge Superman to a fight. He denied hurting the victim.

Minneola Superhero
Pictured the corner where Lake County, Florida man, Rae Pitt aka Minneola Superhero was beaten at the hands of Tyler McCorvey

Pitt on his part told police he was punched in the chest along with having his head smashed against a vehicle.

The beat down only came to an end after a witness intervened.

Ray told authorities a witness intervened and stopped the beating.

Eyewitness Terra Brady said McCorvey approached Pitt and pretended to be deaf, according to WFTV. He also pretended to rip off Pitts’ cape.

McCorvey was arrested while running down the street with a garbage can on his head, 

He was charged with two counts of battery and aggravated abuse of a disabled adult.

Court records indicated the man having previous arrests for domestic and battery charges.

Minneola Superhero
Pictured Lake County, Florida man, Tyler McCorvey who was arrested after being Minneola Superhero
Minneola Superhero
Minneola Superhero

Despite the shake-down, the ‘Minneola superhero’ returned to his perch Friday to wave and smile at motorists and pedestrians.

Residents report that Pitt is friendly and doesn’t bother community members, with local, Ashley Payne, saying He keeps to himself, he waves and smiles’. 

While, local Ashley Payne, saying ‘[He] makes the community feel really good.’

Pitt has a Facebook fan page, titled “Rae, AKA Minneola Superhero,” where he posts pictures with kids and sends encouraging messages to the community.

Because the greatest injustice one can do is to attempt to rob an afflicted individual of their guise, their aspirations and coping mechanism- if only to make themselves feel better about a brutal world that they help cause…..