Johnny Depp financial woes: The actor’s former financial management team reveal correspondences proving Depp was fully aware of his own excessive spending.
Also making the tabloid covers (once again…) is collective national celestial sunshine and buccaneer, Johnny Depp, with leaked emails revealing the Hollywood actor in the grip of possible financial ruin.
‘But I got paid 20 mil for celestial travesty one, another cool $35 mil for the fourth installment of my pirate sell out nightmare and then there was that $20 million paycheck for DARK SHADOWS deposit promptly into my bank account that I think I dropped on the floor somewhere ….’
Despite the actor’s heavy price tags (and split of cinema takings) ‘lucky Depp’ was revealed to have expressed exasperation when told by his financial management team (the same ones he is now suing for fxcking up shit supposedly- The Management Group -TMG) that he might want to rein in costs and consider giving up his private jet and use commercial flights instead.
Exhaled the Pirate of Hollywood, ‘that would be a fxcking nightmare of monumental proportions….’
Anyone for a new reduced coach seat with extra baggage storing fees?
In a tit for tat countersuit, TMG have submitted back and forth emails with their former client (alas…) as part of a 109 page document against the Rum Diary star purporting that the actor was indeed fully aware of his ‘volatile’ finances.
The countersuit alleges TMG ‘did everything within its power over the last 17 years to protect Depp from himself and to keep Depp financially solvent.’ It noted that the actor himself is to blame for his supposed financial woes, citing such extravagant delicious spending as $3 million to shoot Hunter S. Thompson’s ashes out of a cannon, $30,000 a month on wine and another $2 million Johnny liked to loose change spend on monthly expenses.
According to TMG’s principal, Joel Mandel, the financial adviser had ‘strenuously’ urged Jonny to ‘take it easy’ on expenditures, including holiday spending, reigning in auction bidding Johnny by now had built an appetite for and to begin to ‘look realistically at income and expenses and to work together on how to make sure that these are back in balance.’
TMG in its countersuit allege Johnny promising going forward he would be more astute about his finances, even going so far as offloading some expenses (except the private jet of course).
Responded the actor in one email correspond, ‘what else can i do???’
Adding, ‘you want me to sell same [sic] art??? i will. you want me to sell something else???…i got bikes, cars, property, books, paintings and some semblance of a soul left, where would you like me to start???’
And while our merry buccaneer may have made a stab at trying to live in within his multi-million payday bonanza he discovered that ‘stuff’ still wasn’t adding up, which in turn led to the actor eventually filing a $25 million suit against TMG for alleged financial mismanagement. Until that is TMG filed countersuit back in January.
Noted documents tended by TMG in which Johnny promised he’d suck it up:
‘dear joel…
‘first, thank you for dealing and getting me through. secondly, i am doing my very best on holiday spending, but there is only so much i can do, as i need to give my kiddies and famille as good a Christmas as possible, obviously within reason.
‘but, regarding the plane situation,., i don’t have all that many options at the moment. a commercial flight with paparazzis in tow would be a f***ing nightmare of monumental proportions. forget the dillinger auction. don’t need it.
‘know that i will be starting THE TOURIST, on or about the 15th of february; which will be 20 mil. i will then go, virtually, straight into PIRATCS 4, for 35 mil and then in turn to DARK SHADOWS for another 20 mil.
‘i hope that by the amount that will be coming in from work in the coming year and also from back end proceeds, etc., will put everything straight.
‘what else can i do??? you want me to sell same art??? i will. you want me to sell something else??? sure… what??? [sic]
‘boat is going to be chartered at new years and sony will then charter it for the TOURIST shoot in venice. other than that, i got bikes, cars, property, books, paintings and some semblance of a soul left, where would you like me to start???
‘i don’t like being in this situation, but there wasn’t a whole lot of choice, as THE RUM DIARY was a sacrifice we knew would be happening and the last proper paycheck was PUBLIC ENEMIES. i will do my best, joel.(sic)’
Which is to say, ‘it’s my money and I’ll spend that shxt whichever way I see fit’.
Isn’t it time you also started your own high profile Hollywood career and banked on your love hate relationship with the media, exemplary capacity to self implode and tantalizing cinema ennui skill set along with your capacity to live in your own private financial bubble …(unless of course you already are).
msn entertainment: “Inside Johnny Depp’s financial woes.” .. Can he make his rent? Can he pay for food and clothes? Then give us a break.
— Jon Sieruga (@Moonspinner55) June 1, 2017
Hmm, article on Johnny Depp’s finances “…14 homes 45 cars 70 guitars & $30k worth of wine monthly.”
Well the #wine sounds reasonable 🙂
— Neil (@Neilisntwitty) April 11, 2017