Gary Blough Daytona Beach man beaten by three suspects after asking them to stop torturing a turtle. How one a Navy veteran couldn’t stand the abuse.
Three Daytona Beach, Florida Beach individuals have bene arrested after they beat up Gary Blough a 45 year old Navy veteran when the man came across the three youths torturing a turtle and demanding that they desist.
The incident told police occurred Tuesday afternoon at a central apartment complex located at 1717 Mason Ave.
At the time, Blough’s wife, Jennifer, told him three people outside were ‘smashing’ a fresh water turtle to the ground and kicking it, reports mysuncoast.
‘My wife came inside the house crying and my daughter was crying,’ Blough said via the Daytona Beach Journal ‘I went outside and saw one of them lift the turtle over his head and smash it to the ground. I told them to stop doing that.’
Adding: ‘They’re seeing that, and plus, there are eight other children in the neighborhood all watching this, and they’re all in tears,’
‘Every kid is crying.’
Blough says he went outside, demanding that the men stop, where upon the three men set upon him from behind and beat him up mercilessly. The man’s horrified wife witnessing the attack called police.
As more neighbors heard the commotion and came outside, the three men ran off, only to be shortly picked up by police down the road.
An arrest report says the suspects, Johnnie Beveritt, 18, Alfred Jose Chico, 16 and Ryan Ponder, 23, punched Blough and then kicked him while he was on the ground. Paramedics said Blough suffered shattered skull and facial bones, a concussion and a severely injured eye.
Blough, who sustained several injuries in the Gulf war in 1991, including walking into an explosion and now uses a walker, was treated at hospital before being released.
Told the man via wftv: ‘You don’t hit a woman, you don’t hit a child and you don’t hit an animal around me,’
‘I won’t stand for it. That’s not right.’
Daytona Beach police arrested the suspects and charged them with aggravated battery and animal cruelty.
Ponder and Beveritt are being held on $15,000 bonds at the Volusia County Jail. The teen is being held at a juvenile detention facility. The suspects have yet to tell why the abused the animal.