Home Scandal and Gossip Can he do better? Michael Bloomberg confirms presidential run consideration

Can he do better? Michael Bloomberg confirms presidential run consideration

Michael Bloomberg presidential run
What can we expect from a Michael Bloomberg presidential run? Debate ensues.
Michael Bloomberg presidential run
What can we expect from a Michael Bloomberg presidential run? Debate ensues.

Michael Bloomberg presidential run probably confirms what we all wondered: America’s elites are rattled.

Former three time mayor of NYC, Michael Bloomberg has told today that he is seriously considering mounting a run for presidential office as an independent in the 2016 race.

Asked in an interview in the Financial Times if he was considering a bid,  the 73 year old billionaire media owner told he was ‘looking at all the options’.

Told Bloomberg, whose fortune stands at $36 billion and far eclipses the other billionaire contender Donald Trump (worth $4.5 billion ): I find the level of discourse and discussion distressingly banal and an outrage and an insult to the voters,’

Bloomberg would add that the American public deserved ‘a lot better.‘ Presumably a lot better would come with him at the helm.

According to a report via cbs, a decision would likely come after the first few nominating contests in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

While news of a potential run have become public, a report via the nytimes tells of aids acting on his instructions have already drawn up detailed plans for a possible campaign.

That said a run for presidential office might be a daunting task, with a recent poll conducted by his own news organization and the Des Moines Register ahead of the Iowa caucuses found that only nine per cent of Republicans had a favorable view of him, while 17 per cent of likely Democratic voters in the state had a favorable opinion.

Punters opine that the most likely scenario for a Bloomberg run would be the selection of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont as the Democratic nominee, and Donald J. Trump or Senator Ted Cruz of Texas as the Republican pick.

In the past, Trump has said he would be ‘very happy’ if Mike Bloomberg entered the race, while Sanders has slammed the prospect, saying it would confirm that the US was ‘moving away from democracy to oligarchy’. Never mind the real prospect that Bloomberg would probably attract a higher ratios of likely democratic voters than would be republican voters.

And then there were these comments on the web that made me wonder, see what you think?

All other candidates are to far to the sides, except possibly Hilllary and as much as I hate to say it, I don’t think the U.S. is ready to accept a woman President. 

Please don’t. We don’t really need a nanny-POTUS whose primary concern is limiting the size of soda cups.

If he is indeed acentrist, he would attract many Independents and the moderates from both parties, who are currently scorned. – Go Mr. Bloomberg. Toss your hat into the ring. The extremes on both sides are minorities that run their parties and do not represent the bulk of the electorate.

Yawn, he is worth $40 billion and NYC has record homelessness. What will he run on? Trickle down economics.

So he’s pro-choice, anti-guns, and pro-goverment regulations. Who do you think he’s going to be taking votes from? Ted Cruz or Bernie Sanders?

This is a warning to the Democratic superdelegates not to back Sanders.