Miley Cyrus twerks for the likes of you and me and yet you still love her, even more…
It seems pop sensation and all round contender slut wanna be (normally best to look like one but never actually behave like according to rule books) is at it again as she continues to scandalize her pony ass to the top of the pop charts and our collective imaginations.
Having made our collective mouths gasp at the recent VMA‘s earlier this month, our collective hero is adamant in proving shit hasn’t anything to do with music and talent but more about high jinks and self abandonment. Then again isn’t that what tabloid heroes are all about? The manifestation of our collective wet dreams courtesy of some pretty damsel whose pr machine is closely tied to the best tabloid writers in the world?
Proving she’s not an idiot and game for as much press and contention her pony ass can muster (when your hot you’re only hotter…) Miley decided she’d one up us all with new pictures of herself twerking with monkeys. And proudly so if the above and below pictures our Miley hurriedly posted on her twitter feed attests to. But Miley Cyrus and her pr machine always know best. Make that money. It’s about the look of fast money and high jinks and maybe the talent too, but maybe the real talent is getting the monkey front and center?
Explains the UK’s dailymail kissing off Miley’s ass:
The 20-year-old even shared a picture of herself ‘twerking’ with a monkey on a back that was dressed in a cowboy outfit.
She revealed the picture as she announced she would be launching her very own tumblr – partly as a reward for her fans for getting her to 14 million followers on the social networking site.
Miley wrote next to the picture: ‘Imma make a Tumblr. Just to post more pixxxx like this. #vegas @vij_photo #twerkinwithadayummonkeyonmyback.’
Rather yummy of course, one can imagine the delight of all them monkeys (you of course) lining up to climb Miley Cyrus’ backside….
Explains verbalslap: But this time you would be wrong, because now that a bit of the clamor has died down somewhat, we can look past the toxic fumes smoke and mirrors and break it down for the masses. You see, this is nothing new what Miley is doing. Britney’s been there. Xtina’s been there, pre-porker Jessica Simpson has been there, sex cetera, sex cetera… and all to varying degrees of success. What is this called exactly?
MAXIMizing: when poptrix of a certain age are ‘de-flowered’ before our very eyes.
Yes kids, women are just cheap tricks to be whored out as the hoes that we all secretly aspire them to be. Right?
It might just be smoke and mirrors (at least for Miley and crew) but rest assured the trick is working gloriously as women are cheapened all round to the cute high jinks of young performers who insist on trading their youth, sexuality and naivety for a fistful of dollars.
[>>>but rest assured the trick is working gloriously as women are cheapened all round to the cute high jinks of young performers who insist on trading their youth, sexuality and naivety for a fistful of dollars. – ] Women and girls do it for free everywhere else, why would you write out of envy? She has the power and she’s using it. It’s her human right. She objectifies women’s sexuality, she’s exploring, and it’s glorious what an american female looks like. If you got laid more often you couldn’t have written an article like that, I’m sure you’re too busy defending reasons why it’s not proper to get laid often. Maybe a monkey would suit you better, or are you past that phase?