Donald Trump will soon become irrelevant and his own side kick amusement park by the time you come back after this commercial.
First it started with Donald Trump going to twitter and lambasting the world for having the temerity for re electing President Barack Obamain to office, from there it proceeded to our collective hero thinking better of his rant and quickly deleting that shit (yes I know the Don was mad pissed that it wasn’t Mitt sponging off all that champagne) before it all turned it into a sludge match between the Don and NBC’s Brian Williamswho called the Don’s bluff.
Tweeted our hero the Don: ‘He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!’
(actually Barack Obama is set to win the popular vote by more than one percent and even more if votes in Florida become conclusive and secondly US presidential elections are ultimately scored on who is able to muster more than 270 electoral votes which Obama handily beat).
Realizing that his ass was in deep water for having just called for a revolution (really kids when was the last time you had someone from the plutocracy call a revolution, isn’t usually the other way round?) our hero quickly deleted his tweets but not before NBC’s Brian Williams caught wind of the Don’s whack shit and started reading the Don’s calls for arms live on air. That if you can imagine didn’t sit too well with the Don who by now was looking for a kitchen knife to impale himself with.
From there Brian took steady aim at the Don and began to metaphorically blow him to smithereens (I know don’t you love the press?). First Brian Williams declared that the Don had been annexed last place in the annals of tv relevancy before then proceeding to call our do gooder for civil liberties and a greater America (yes kids this is Don on a revolution warpath sponsored by your very own real estate plutocrat) irresponsible. From there Brian Williams gently squeezed his finger against the trigger as he proceeded to read to the world all the tweets our collective hero had so busily tried to sweep underneath his living room carpet.
Notice the Don using the words ‘total sham’ and ‘travesty’ being used over and over again? Of course one could pause to wonder if the same words might fit him as well?
With it now becoming increasingly apparent that Mitt Romney will lose his bid to be president the Don’s tweets interestingly become equally more vehement and enraged. Of course had Mitt won the Don would have rung the bells of Notre Dame weeping how wonderful the world and the electoral system really is. But instead because the wrong winner won the Don was forced to expose the crooked and rigged voting system that this shit in all actuality really is.
The above carnival show of course all makes more sense if you factor in that for the greater part of the last 2 weeks the Don has been trying to throw money away with assertions that Barack Obama had some nasty secrets up his sleeve that only he could reveal to us if only we would just listen. Which of course we all wisely didn’t.
Aware by now that his sorry ass is getting fried on national tv courtesy of Brian Williams who long ago gave up on the Donald Trump fantasy show, the Don now turns his attention on Brian Williams and now begins a revolution on his ass. Yes the Don had two back to back glasses of Schnapps and this is what happened.
Here’s a sample of the good shit torpedoing out of the Don’s rocket machine:
‘The only thing more boring than @bwilliams newscast is his show Rock Center which is totally dying in the ratings – a disaster!’ he added, before asking him: ‘Wouldn’t you love to have my ratings?’
He went on: ‘If I’m “well past the last exit to relevance” how come you spent so much time reading my tweets last night?’
Never mind isn’t it time you rounded up your local plutocrat and convened to have your all or none revolution broadcast live on national tv too?