Backstabbing is a bixch!
It seems that not all is well in the Jackson manorafter all, as new revelations come to the fold which point to the conclusive fact that Michael Jackson’s children were purposefully denied access to their grandma and legal guardian, Katherine Jacksonby Janet Jackson who has essentially attempted to use the contesting of her late brother, Michael Jackson‘s will for political proxy.
Releasing images of a text conversation he had with his aunts, Rebbie and Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson’s son, Prince, reveals the degree of deceit and connivery that went on behind closed doors.
Requesting permission to see his guardian and grandmother, Katherine Jackson whose whereabouts he and Paris Jackson as well as their younger brother Blanket were denied about the new text message that Prince has released today shows conclusively that their aunts acted in concert to personally deny the children access to their grandmother.
At stake: the ballooning of Michael Jackson’s estate which since his death in 2009 has ballooned to $500 million and caused rancor at the Jackson house as final legal documents portending to be the will entrust all the assets to the children as well as Katherine Jackson. To say that Michael’s left out siblings are upset and are even contesting the legitimacy of the will would be an understatement. Which is how Katherine Jackson became used as a pawn amongst the siblings to exact favors and conditions that could potentially benefit the left out siblings.
The screen grab shows the conversation occurring on Monday afternoon, 2 days before Katherine Jackson’s guardianship was revoked in favor of TJ Jackson after she went missing and was unaccounted for and impeded in fulfilling her role by the ‘intentions of third parties’ (at this moment please swap bixch money hungry aunties).
One can only cry foul play at this juncture and wonder if rumors that the children’s origins have on some level have offended members of the Jackson family are now really true now as the backstabbing and grab for the spoils takes place
Tweeted Prince: “Although I am happy my grandma was returned, after speaking with her I realized how misguided and how badly she was lied to. I’m really angry and hurt. For this whole time, they denied us contact to our grandmother. If you continue with your lies I will continue with the truth.”
Prince if you need it I have a sharp guillotine we can ship to your compound by this afternoon….
Katherine Jackson may now forfeit $70 000 a month in perks.
Who kidnapped Katherine Jackson? Guardian ruling are lies and returns home to Paris Jackson.
Paris Jackson forced to apologize to Janet Jackson for being a bitch. Goes back to twitter.
Randy Jackson goes on twitter and insists Michael Jackson’s, his brother’s will is fake.
Jackson family fued: Did Janet Jackson actually strike Paris Jackson?