Home Pop Culture George Soros would like to explain how he stiffed his 28 year...

George Soros would like to explain how he stiffed his 28 year old ex gold digger girlfriend.


Three years and still no allowance? Hmm. Not three dates, three weekends in a row later, not three minutes after dessert has been served on our first date? Yes, I can see how heart broken this bixch Adriana must have been when her man turned around one evening whilst they were tending to his diapers when he conceded that the apartment he once promised to buy her, one wonders as a hook so she could maintain the courage to exchange bodily fluids with him had been bethroned to his new hawt squeeze.

That’s when Adriana’s world imploded and she went running to the NY Post where she came across a few raggedy journalists (Emily Smith you know who you are) sharpening their knives as Adriana poured her heart in front of them and showed them how she changed his diapers at night.

But it gets worse. Doesn’t it always get worse?

mediate: “He always had one table for the men, one for the women, and one for the kids,” said a friend of the Hungarian investing guru. “The Brazilian was always seated at the kids’ table, and she didn’t look too happy.”

Personally I would be outraged too if I was putting George’s pecker somewhere near my mouth and the bixch had the audacity to sit me with the kids. At least he should have had the decency to sit me with all the other ho’s at the table he was doing similar high yield business deals with. (I know I’m in a foul mood today, can’t you tell….?)

For the time being George has gone back on his promise to once again buy his ex hawt bixch a piece of paradise (see the pretty picture below, somewhere on the 7th floor), but maybe that explains how he made all that money in the first place, by not allowing himself to be played, no matter how many wet whispers were blown his way.

But just in case you think George is a real scum bag, let’s ask ourselves one interesting question, if it was Adriana who was an 80 year old uber wealthy woman and George a hawt fledging 28 arriveste would this have even made it as news? Who would we really be appalled at?

Of course you know the answer to that as well….

Paradise was promised on the 7th floor.


  1. Tamiko Bolton is a ” whore” sleeping with 81 yes old man and receiving Apt! Shame on you living in our area!,

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