Home Pop Culture America’s first Gay Hotel chain has finally arrived.

America’s first Gay Hotel chain has finally arrived.


designer sandals and book our one way tickets, shouldn’t one wonder what’s really at stake here? By building a hotel strictly for a gay contingent doesn’t the gay community on some level risk isolating itself (the very thing that its complained about all these years) amongst the greater community?

Could you imagine locals suddenly treading carefully by pointing out “ha that’s that new gay hotel freak show where they play Liberace all day long?” In essence vilifying in their minds a type of sub ghetto enclave? Which is to say, if for the longest time the gay community has struggled to attain equal rights and recognition why is it now willing to risk marginalizing itself and perhaps unwittingly manufacture views that exacerbate prejudice amongst those members of society that are not necessarily as open minded to re invigorated bright yellow art deco hotels as the hot gay place to be?

After all isn’t inclusion as opposed to polarization the way to go? Or is this author over thinking the degree of possible public contempt for such a hotel? But who knows, for all I know you will have hetero people begging to get in. After all last time I dropped by a gay nightclub there were more straight women there than gay men, but maybe that’s part of the branding too?



  1. Umm, before you get too high on idolizing Brian Gorman, bear in mind his idea is not new nor original. Alex Hotels has been around in Europe for a few years now: http://www.axelhotels.com Already tailored to the taste of gay men. Let’s give credit where credit is due and not to copycats who claim it all for themselves…

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