Home Pop Culture The Dizzy Ascent of Pippa Middleton.

The Dizzy Ascent of Pippa Middleton.


heavy. But best of all, as the Dailymail of the UK notes, Pippa gets to play in the sandbox without having to worry too much about whether her makeup kit becomes a tad dishevelled…

dailymailco.uk: As has been said before, Pippa is the Middleton who gets the best deal out of the royal romance; all of the attention, without the responsibility and restraint of protocol.

But this being journalism (or at least some form of it)- the tabloids are pressed to ask some bigger questions:

Yet no one could have imagined that the confetti of global approval would shower around her quite so explosively. And as her appeal hits hitherto unimaginable heights, the question is: just what will Pippa do with her new-found fame?

Indeed what will the young lady who seems to have it all: etiquette, good breeding, her own family money, killer looks, career, and a “love love” relationship with the camera man do with her new found cache? More importantly what will we do now that we have our new resurrected Lady Di (lite) on the coffee table to pass the soggy afternoons with?

In one shake of a tail feather, she has become a global celebrity, a household name and one of the most talked about people at the wedding of the century. More than that, she is now one of the most eligible women in the world.

From this moment on, Pippa can have her pick of the aristocracy, the landed gentry, the new rich, assorted gassy celebrities, the Chelsea back four.

In some way, this affable, well balanced and finely legitimate telegenic star (unlike most telegenic stars who come with unseeming peccadilloes, habits, addictions, criminal records, public gaffes, speech impediments and morose history ) has finally come center stage not to just sweep her new in laws off their feet – but us as well.

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