The show is directed by Pablo Croce. He’s garnered four Latin Grammy nominations for his music videos, and Between Worlds feels like a music video. Emotions are intensified, sweat flies off the dancers as they spin themselves into a frenzy, while the Urbans go bananas on anything they can hit with their drumsticks. It is awesome.
The team began rehearsing in Venezuela, but as Siudy explained (via translator) the choreography was being developed years before the story ever came together. Going into the show, I thought that Siudy’s choice to name the main character (a messianic savior) after herselfwas the product of an inflated ego. This was not the case. In speaking with her at the reception, it was clear that the character name (and other details) were secondary to what was truly important: the dance.
One of my favorite things to do is watch people do what they do best. Seeing Siudy dance for a hungry audience was simply a joy. At the climax, her feet were moving so fast, I could hardly tell they were moving at all. Only the percussive machine-gun report from her shoes revealed how fast she was going. Her amazing work in the finale whipped the audience into a standing ovation… before the fire alarms went off.
That’s right, the building was evacuated—twice—and a truckload of firemen came to assess the cause. They confirmed that fog used in the show’s grand close was enough to trigger the fire alarms. Still, the post-show reception went on… although at this point the audience had left, believing it to be cancelled.
Finally, a few comments on those that would go to live theatre. #1. When the lights have gone out, that is your cue to already be in your seats and stop talking. #2. ‘Turn your phones off’ is not just a polite suggestion. The middle of act one is not the time to text a friend. #3. In case of a fire alarm, hang around afterwards. You might get a chance to talk to some amazing Venezuelan dancers. You never know.
Between Worlds continues live at New World Stages at 340 w. 50th street, between 8th and 9th aves. For showtimes, tickets and information, visit