What happens when you publicly denounce Facebook as encouraging extra marital affairs when it later turns out you are just as complicit?
In what could be deemed as one of the faux pas of the week Rev.Cedric Miller who garners a vast following with the Living Word Christian Fellowship Church in New Jersey has been forced to reverse course after it was revealed by the Asbury Press that the man who was vehemently condemning social networking site Facebook for encouraging extra marital affairs was himself up to his eye balls in the very thing he guarded against. All which has served to sully Rev. Cedric Miller’s position as a religious leader within his congregation and once again opened the can of worms with respect to the church’s self aggrandizing behavior and attitudes, a constant contradiction and betrayal of espoused doctrine.
Asbury Press: Miller, 48, who gained national attention this week when the pastor banned his church’s leaders from using Facebook because he said it is a portal to infidelity, had himself engaged in a three-way relationship with his wife and a man a decade ago, according to testimony he gave in a criminal case.
Licking your chops? And it goes on…
Miller, pastor of the 1,100-member Living Word Christian Fellowship Church on Route 35, admitted in his testimony to a sexual relationship that included his wife and a church assistant. Sometimes the assistant’s wife was present, he testified.
Scandal as far as we are aware within the ranks of Church hegemony is strongly frowned upon. Which sets up the question, despite this being a situation that happened a decade ago, how can a congregation be asked to believe and have faith in one of its spiritual leaders when he goes against the doctrine that he of so late has been espousing. Never mind the idea whether people can only ever always be with one bethrothed partner, a human instinct that often gets challenged regardless of societal rules and moral cues.
The NY Observer: Last week, Rev. Cedric Miller asked his flock to quit Facebook, saying that the site encouraged extramarital affairs.
“Married couples are going on Facebook and what happens can end up in my office,” Miller said. “I know from where we stand in the Christian perspective, the connection is inappropriate.”
Which causes us to wonder, surely the reverend knew the risks of possibly being found out, especially in lieu of his very public stance against Facebook and a barrage of eager journalist sleuths who were probably listening with one ear intrigue and the other very careful scrutiny.
In the end Rev,Cedriv Miller has chosen to resign, but the question remains, how out of touch is the church with human inclinations, despite best intentions and the moral guidance it seeks to affect?
Who will light a candle for the Reverend now?
The Reverend Cedric Miller scandal was discussed this weekend on internet radio show “Center Stage,” the topic was “Blind Sheep Following a Lost Shepherd.” I think the title sums up the situation pretty good. There were several pastors on the panel and each was asked what should happen in the case of Cedric Miller stepping down. Not one agreed his should just take 90 days off and then resume business as usual. They were quoting from scripture as to what God would have a pastor do in such a situation as this. One of the panel members was Bishop Prophet H. Walker, he’s the S Carolina preacher that held the ATL rally calling for Bishop Eddie Long’s resignation. The conversation really helped in understanding what we as Christians should expect from our pastors, take a listen…
A spokesperson for MaritalAffair.com, one of the world’s largest providers of adult dating services for extramarital relations said: “Each of us have an opinion based on the correctness (or not) of infidelity, however product demand is a good barometer for how much something is needed in society. With nearly a 1000 people a day joining http://maritalaffair.com, evidence suggests that the majority accepts this lifestyle choice, albeit discreetly.”