Home Fashion Ivana Helsinki: Where the F**K is my Sailor?

Ivana Helsinki: Where the F**K is my Sailor?

Photo source- vogue.com

Models strutted the horizontal landscapes, sailor attire with glare and vulnerability, than only an outsider, a passerby may know. Ballad-folk tunes, 60’s Simon Garfunkel and rural French Serge Gainsbourg composed the crazy ropes designs, added to Swedish Hasbeens shoes, sandals and boots to astonish viewers; Nordic theme- red, white and blue- characterized most items, while rope belts, different colored accent borders, pockets and sparkles each added delicate flavor. Long, pin straight hairdos, with bangs complimented the plain, shapelessly elegant summer gowns, (Edward Tricomi, for Warren-Tricomi hair), while Rick Feurstein hats, rope belts, Michelle Lane jewlery, and colorful accent borders and pockets on sparkled cardigans, added detail, spice and richness to the already flavorful sparkly cardigan, or form-fitting dress.