Practically every woman appeared as if she had stepped out of a German fashion magazine, live editorials speaking everything from English, Dutch, French, Russian, you get the picture. Captains of industry were in no short quantity. We all know them. They are the ones who help “make” the celebrity or fashionista’s life possible. Power and prestige comingled amongst each other negotiating over Belvedere sodas and Patrón on the rocks. Even the miniature Croque Monsieur finger sized sandwiches seemed to be just perfect and in “two” buttery flavorful bites (now I’m craving the “two” bite brownies from Whole Foods). But it wasn’t all power, greed and gluttony. I ran into the lovely Jennifer Van Leuven, owner of Beau Monde Silk (New York-Paris-Los Angeles). She was with Parisian socialite and all around great guy, Olivier Van Temsche, who is still acclimating himself to the city. I also ran into Barry and Karen Kieselstein-Cord. I tried convince Barry to donate some free products my way, just for “fashion writing” purposes. It didn’t appear to have much of an effect, oh well.
It was already one hour and a half past the stroke of midnight and I had two Grey Goose sodas to finish off before happening upon a an unrelenting crowd imploring the door man to be let in as I finally made my way out. As I took one more double take at the still swelling crowd I couldn’t help but think- ‘ Twelve months strong in a weak economy suggests that this lounge just might be doing something right. ‘