Home Nightlife The Demise of the Nightclub.

The Demise of the Nightclub.



Cell phones pose another problem. Pre- cell you would call your friends and have to wait for them at a club till they showed. While you waited you would drink and meet other people. Cell phones keep people from meeting outsiders, you see it all the time- girls sitting alone in a bar texting their friends. Instead of being open for a conversation they’re engaged in a virtual suspended existence.

AIDS and other sexual diseases also tampered the night life scene. Actually, it ruined it… In the past, a healthy mix of the gay contingent made a night club a congenial scene. Their presence alone would ensure attention to cultural concerns other than immediate sexual gratification with the opposite sex. In a sense, the gay entourage acted as a healthy buffer to the premeditated hetero male looking to score at all costs. When you use to turn up to The Mudd Club, The Blue Angel, Save the Robots or Jackie 60 there would be a vaudeville collection of distinct personalities whose very presence and aura affirmed an experience out of the Jazz Ritz circa Berlin early 1930’s, a Otto Dix painting.

Today it’s morphed into a tense, high-stake game of whether you can get in or not just so you can pay premium dollar to be seen and paraded –  because being seen and talked about has now become more important than seeing and talking of. But that’s bottle service for you, and as long as the trolls and the pedigreed make their rounds you will be scampering to compete with them as if your life depended on it.

Hip Hop life style, money and hos, need I say more. Is there anything classy about this idea? Dumb bimbos half naked, bumping and grinding with free bottles. I don’t know, after the millionth bump, grind does anyone really care? But that’s promotion for you, a millionth grind can always be repackaged as some wonderful idea. That is, until you realize you’ve been duped once again by the same ho from a hundred years with a new hair do that is checking you out vacantly…

So what have we learned? Nothing, but I hope that club owners get the crack out of their nose and wake up a little earlier and think tank some new ideas cause I haven’t spoken to anyone in a while, from the young and new to the old die-hards that know where to go.

If you think you have any ideas call me and we’ll talk shop…

Jacob’s Angels; Living the Life you Want. A Night out at Buddha Bar and 1 OAK.
