Ryan Egelston, Lakewood, Colorado man randomly shoots at 2 strangers at a Denver area park, fearing that they were part of a psyops operation. Suspect, a CPA had appeared on religious podcast show discussing how AI would bring the end of the world.
A certified public accountant in Denver, Colorado has claimed fearing a ’psyops’ operation when he randomly shot at two individuals at a park, seriously wounding one victim. The incident follows the 28 year old, a devout Christian, appearing on a podcast show where he discussed the capacity of artificial intelligence (AI) to bring an end to the world.
Ryan Egelston, 28, of Lakewood, CO, told police he shot at the first victim after the un-identified man coming to sit on a park bench where Egelston was sitting, Sunday afternoon, KUSA reported. He said ‘he thought the man was a pedophile and wanted to touch him.’ Egelston said he ‘spit on the man, pushed him away, and possibly punched him in his lower back’ before firing a shot that hit the victim’s bicycle.

CPA feared victims were involved in a psyops operation
Soon after, Egelston randomly fired at a second person from behind, striking the victim in the neck and jaw and leaving him with serious injuries. The victim had no prior interaction with Egelston before being shot. The victim was expected to survive his ordeal.
Witnesses told police that the suspect in the shooting got into a red vehicle and fleeing Washington Park where the shootings had happened.
Police upon forcing Egelston’s vehicle to stop recovered a pistol in the backseat.
Egelston, who says on his website he is a ‘certified joy enthusiast’ with a ‘deep passion to preach and teach the Word of God,’ was charged with attempted murder according to a Denver Police Department notice.
During police questioning, the accountant said he believed the people he shot at ‘were somehow involved in psy-ops,’ 9 News reported.
Police say Egelston shared that he had been put on a mental health hold in May 2024.
Suspect bills himself available for speeches
Egelston appeared on the Christian Kingdom Crossroads podcast last March espousing his views that artificial intelligence was bringing about the end of times.
Egelston had also talked at length about psychological operations, (psyops) during the Christian podcast.
‘His views were to the extreme, I guess you could say,’ Robert Thibodeau, host of the podcoast, told KUSA. ‘But at the same time, they were his views, and I was asking questions.’
Thibodeau said the shooting surprised him, however.
Notes Egelston on his website: ‘Moreover, I’d love to come speak at your church or organization and inspire and build up one anothers’ faith, usher in a spirit of revival, and preach LIGHTS out. If you think I’d be a great fit to speak, please do not hesitate to reach out!’