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When is it time to start treating divorce as more than a threat?

signs heading for divorce
Signs that you are heading for divorce: Is it time to end your marriage?
signs heading for divorce
Signs that you are heading for divorce: Is it time to end your marriage?

Signs that you are heading for divorce: Is it time to end your marriage? When partners are no longer able to solve problems and find an agreement and the passion has faded. 

Marriage is never easy. When you marry someone, you are supposed to be ready to fight through thick and thin for one another. As we all know, though, not every marriage is made to last. If you were to ask the attendees of a marriage ceremony to speak anonymously, you would find that most weddings are expected to fail spectacularly.

However, getting divorced is not easy. It is an expensive process, both financially and emotionally. When, then, should you start treating hiring a divorce attorney as more than just a threat to get your ‘better’ half to buck up their ideas?

When the arguments become daily

It is common to argue with your spouse – life is tough, and within our day-to-day grind, we can find many reasons to argue. When the arguments seem to be becoming increasingly petty and personal and happen each day, though, you might be looking at a marriage that is on life support.

If you are arguing with one another day in, and day out, it might be a sign of separation.

When resolutions run into more problems

Do you often find that you and your other half can resolve your issues together? That is fine. Great. But how often does Resolution A turn into Problem B? When this happens more often than not, it is a sign that you are both generally quite unhappy with your current experience.

Keep that in mind, as when your solutions simply roll into a new issue without delay, it is a pretty clear sign that your marriage is in some serious trouble.

You spend more time thinking about their faults

Nobody is perfect, and expecting your spouse to be perfect at all times is a foolish endeavor. However, when you find yourself spending more time focusing on their faults as opposed to the things you love about them, it is a pretty clear sign that you are increasingly unhappy. Try to keep this in mind because if your list of reasons to love them is outweighed by reasons to leave them, you are probably in trouble.

You find yourself attracted to other people

Anyone who says they only have eyes for their spouse is, at best, being economical with the truth. Everyone looks, even if it is just a glance. That being said, if you find that you are increasingly enamored by or flirting with others, it might be a sign that things are not working out for you at home. Finding someone attractive is one thing; finding yourself thinking of being with them, though, is another thing entirely.

When the passion starts to die out

Look, having fun behind closed doors is not for every marriage. Not every married couple has to have an explosive sex life just to keep the fire burning. If they find that the above issues are taking place and there is no spark, though? You could be looking at a clear sign of a breakdown in your marriage.

This should be the last straw; if your marriage suffers from the above, it might be time to consider marital dissolution.