Jaycie Barton UTSA sorority sister expelled over All Lives Matter Tik Tok post. Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) claims student exhibited unsisterly conduct.
A student at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) has claimed being kicked out of her sorority after posting pro-Trump content on her TikTok account.
Jaycie Barton was formerly a member of the Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) sorority at the school until her recent expulsion after she posted an eight-second TikTok in August at a pro-Trump demonstration, where signs were seen saying ‘All Lives Matter’ and ‘Trump 2020.’
She claims she was reprimanded by the sorority for ‘unsisterly’ conduct, before being kicked out altogether, according to The Sun.
The sorority originally disciplined Barton and stripped of her title as Risk Management Chair for the sorority back in September.
A statement said: ‘ZTA stands for Black Lives Matter and the statement All Lives Matter goes against ZTA’s belief.’ The statement also called Barton ‘very unsisterly.’
Freedom of speech vs political dogma
During a September hearing on the matter, one sorority sister reportedly said of Barton, ‘Zeta Tau Alpha is trying to be more inclusive and saying, ‘all lives matter,’ is not being very inclusive.’
The phrase ‘All Lives Matter’ is usually used in rebuttal to those who say ‘Black Lives Matter’, with BLM supporters saying the phrase undermines the movement’s attempt to bring attention to lopsided police brutality, discrimination towards the black community.
‘I took a video of some of the posters and signs that were there,’ Barton told the Daily Caller. ‘Some random guy — I couldn’t even tell you who he was or what his name is — was holding a sign that said ‘All Lives Matter. MAGA.’
She is now the school’s chapter president of Turning Point USA, a right-wing organization founded by Charlie Kirk.
In an interview with Breitbart, Barton defended her actions.
‘It’s pretty clear that I do support black lives,’ Barton said. ‘And I don’t understand how the sorority cannot see that the word ‘all’ includes everyone.’
The student added that when she initially joined the sorority, no one had made her aware that she would have to support the Black Lives Matter movement in order to retain her membership.
‘I wasn’t joining the sorority to be a supporter of BLM,’
‘I wasn’t joining the sorority to be a supporter of BLM,’ Barton continued.
‘I joined for philanthropy, which was breast cancer education and awareness, and to work alongside our sisters that would be open to all members, regardless of their political opinions and beliefs.’
Barton also claims her TikTok post led to her being bullied and smeared by sorority members, which she said runs counterintuitive to what ZTA claims to stand for.
The sorority advocates for mental health, yet they allowed all these girls in the sorority to call me racist, flat out bullying me,’ she told Breitbart.
With over 34,000 students, UTSA is the largest university in San Antonio and one of the ten largest universities in the state of Texas.
Zeta Tau Alpha is one of six sororities on the campus.