Stella Morris Julian Assange lawyer fiancee secretly had two kids while the Wikileaks founder was holed up in Ecuadoran Embassy as he awaits possible extradition to the US.
Take that Britain and the United States!
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange wanted for espionage charges in the United States secretly fathered two children with one of his lawyers while he was holed up at the Ecuadorean embassy in London and fighting extradition to the US, according to a report.
Stella Morris, a South African-born lawyer, began a relationship with Assange, 48, in 2015, the attorney revealed via The Daily Mail. Morris a UK legal resident told the tabloid over the weekend of her and the much maligned Australian Wikileaks founder’s secret romance and birth of their two sons.
Gabriel was born in 2017, said Morris, 37. Their second child, Max, was born last year. Both births were filmed with a GoPro camera and the footage sent to Assange, the tabloid reports.
The couple managed to keep their relationship and the birth of the children secret from the Ecuadorean staff and diplomats who had given Assange refuge at the embassy for seven years.
Stella Morris Julian Assange lawyer fiancee fears for Wikileaks founder life:
Morris in her ‘tell all’ told the dailymail deciding to come out as the lawyer says she fears Assange’s life is in danger.
‘Julian’s poor physical health puts him at serious risk, like many other vulnerable people, and I don’t believe he will survive infection with coronavirus,’ Morris told the dailymail.
‘I have lived quietly and privately, raising Gabriel and Max on my own and longing for the day we could be together as a family,’ Morris reiterated.
Assange, who was transferred to high-security prison, Belmarsh, in England last year, is wanted in the US on espionage charges for leaking thousands of US intelligence documents which have since exposed the nefarious undertakings of the US government and its Western allies.
Assange is set to appear in a UK court room next month where it will be decided whether he will be extradited to the US where he faces near certain life incarceration.
Julian Assange va ser pare de dos fills durant els anys a l’ambaixada equatoriana a Londres, publica el @DailyMailUK. La mare, l’advocada sud-africana Stella Morris, reclama que el deixin en llibertat sota fiança pel perill del coronavirus a la presó https://t.co/RljGpxhUbg pic.twitter.com/Gs3n2G9pfN
— Sergi Mulero (@sergimulero) April 11, 2020
‘We fell in love and … this is a person that I … know the most in this world, and he’s extraordinary,’
The couple initially met in 2011 when one of Assange’s lawyers introduced him to Morris, who was born in Sweden, to help the Wikileaks founder fight sexual assault charges in the Scandanavian nation. The charges were dropped, and Assange has maintained his innocence.
A fluent Spanish speaker, Morris also helped Assange seek asylum in South America. She reportedly changed her name from Sara Gonzalez Devant to attract less attention when filing legal documents on his behalf.
The couple didn’t begin a relationship until 2015, before becoming engaged in 2017.
‘I had been in the embassy almost every single day and got to know Julian very well and in 2015 we got together. We fell in love and … this is a person that I … know the most in this world, and he’s extraordinary,’ Morris explains in video (see above) released by Wikileaks.
Morris said starting a family was a deliberate decision for them and a way for him to imagine a life beyond the embassy.
According to Morris, Assange’s fiancee believes that US intelligence operatives tried to steal the DNA from one of Gabriel’s diapers when they became suspicious that Assange was the father to her two children – who have both visited Assange while in prison.
Morris in her tell all told the dailymail of never arriving together with her sons at the embassy when visiting Assange.
Assange and Morris plan to marry while he is in prison if he does not get released, according to the lawyer.
British rapper M.I.A. is a godmother to the children as is actor, Tracy Ward.
Both children are British citizens.
It remains unclear how the latest revelations may affect next month’s extradition hearings…