Jaxson Brown missing Ketchikan 5 year old boy found dead after mom left boy behind to look for help after getting lost during Alaskan hike.
The body of a 5-year-old boy was found in Alaskan woodland three days after his mother left him to get help after they got lost on a hike, according to authorities.
Jaxson Brown and his mom Jennifer Treat, 36, got lost last Wednesday in Lunch Creek Trail close to their home in Ketchikan after they ‘became disoriented and lost the trail,’ Alaska State Troopers said.
Troopers in a release told of the pair spending the night together, with Treat reportedly leaving Jaxson behind to seek help on her own, after the five year old boy reportedly becoming tired and not wanting to hike anymore.
‘In her rush to find help, Treat reportedly tripped on a root and significantly injured her leg. Treat was found the following day and search and rescue efforts immediately began for Jaxson,’ the troopers release noted.

Cause of death of five year old boy yet to be announced:
After helicopters aided searchers on the ground, the youngster’s body was finally found Saturday afternoon, further up the trail from where his mother was rescued, troopers said.
Troopers began the search Friday for the boy and his mother, Jennifer Treat, 36. Her vehicle was parked at the trailhead, and the trail extends for nearly 5 miles (8 kilometers) to Emory Tobin Lake. The trail ranged from improved walkways and boardwalks to hard-to-traverse areas with mud in some places and snow waist-deep in others., said Jerry Kiffer, Ketchikan Volunteer Rescue Squad incident commander.
The cause of death has yet to be released the Anchorage Daily News reported.
It remained unclear if troopers regarded Treat as a possible suspect in the boy’s death.
Temperatures in the low 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.5 degrees Celsius) Wednesday evening dipped to lower overnight. Light rain, fog and mist persisted from Thursday through Saturday.