Difficult Spots In Your House To Clean: A round up of 5 overlooked problem areas and how to go about them making spotless.
1. Kitchen Air Vents
Who doesn’t love a clean house and so to ensure that our house is always as sparkling as Cinderella’s shoe that she forgot on the staircase, we follow a daily cleaning routine. No matter how much time and effort we input into cleaning our house there are few areas we tend to skip. Remember the Air vents you installed in your kitchen?
I know you totally forgot them because they’re too high to be seen. Cleaning air vents is very important because you obviously don’t want to breathe dirty, pollen and allergen filled air. Right? For cleaning it you’ll require a towel, a dull butter knife, vinegar, baking soda and/or 409 spray. Firstly mix vinegar and soda and soak the towel in it or to skip the hassle simply spray 409 spray on the towel. Cover the towel on the knife and clean the vent with it and even its opening with it.
2. Ceiling Fan
If you’re sitting in your room, raise your head and look at the ceiling. Did you find anything that you forget to clean every day? Yes! You got that right, a ceiling fan. Look at the huge amount of dust on each of its blade.
So don’t waste more time and quickly turn the fan’s switch off and drop a big and old bed sheet that’s useless or any cloth on the floor under the ceiling fan, make sure it covers all the blades above your head. Then fill a spray bottle with water and vinegar and spray it on an old pillow case. After this climb the ladder and gently slide the pillowcase on each of the blade and rub it a little to clean that stubborn dust that just wouldn’t go.

3. Window Blinds
Do you love looking out of the window and enjoying the sunset? How about enjoying the view of the dusty window blinds today instead? Notice each blind has layers of dust and to your surprise this was never visible any time before today. Right? Now to get rid of this mess quickly grab white gloves, water, vinegar and a dryer sheet.
Now mix water and vinegar in equal parts and wear those gloves. Now dip your fingers in the mixture and run your fingers through each blind. Once the mixture gets dirty replace it. Once done then slide a dryer sheet, maybe a used one on each of the blind.

4. Shower Heads
Everyone loves cold water showers on summer days. Right? Ever considered looking at the shower head? No? Try looking at it, you’ll be surprised to see that its covered in layers of soap scum, yeast, mildew and mold. To get rid of these bacteria mix together 1 cup of vinegar and ¼ cup of baking soda and pour it into a plastic bag and tie it to the shower head in such a way that the shower head in dipped into this mixture. Leave it for 3 hours then clean it with a sponge.
5. Garbage Disposal
Doing the dishes is the most difficult thing to do after a heavy dinner. To make your eyes open wide while doing the dishes tonight just lay them on your Garbage disposal. I’m sure you’ll be disgusted! To clean it fill an ice cube tray with vinegar and lime piece and freeze it. Then throw one of this ice cube in the sink and run warm water on it and congratulations your garbage disposal is clean and bacteria free.
Moreover, if your house is full of unwanted stuff, it’s time to call any of Austin trash pickup services and remove unnecessary stuff. Junk removal services recommend regular junk removal for a clean and decluttered house.
You can also call junk removal service provider’s hotline or toll-free numbers for any questions you have without placing any order.