NJ woman, Norma Rodgers fat shamed by rude United Airlines passenger after being seated between two passengers who she derided as fat pigs before being thrown off flight.
Video has emerged of a woman being escorted off a recent United Airlines flight after fat shaming fellow passengers after being ‘stuck’ seated between them in a middle seat.
The unnamed blonde passenger was on a flight from Las Vegas to Newark on January 2 when she was filmed on camera moaning about being stuck in the middle of two ‘big’ passengers.
The woman’s tirade was posted to Facebook by registered NJ nurse, Norma Rodgers who was sitting next to the woman and subjected to the abuse. The video (naturally…) has since gone viral.
‘Oh my goodness, I don’t know how I’m going to do this for the next four hours,’ the unidentified ‘blonde’ woman is heard complaining. ‘This is just impossible cause they’re squishing me. Like, friggin’ just unbelievable.
‘I can’t sit here because they’re both so big on left and right,‘ she complains. ‘I can’t even sit here.’
Adding cynically, ‘At least they’ll keep me warm.’
Norma Rodgers: ‘Because I will not be verbally abused by this b***h or anybody else.’
The irate passenger continues to make remarks about the man to her right, named Mac who was traveling with Rodgers.
This prompts Rodgers to respond with, ‘b***h, please, ok?’ only for the woman to laugh into her phone.
When someone off screen catches her attention about a potential window seat, she asks them to get her window and get her out of there before hanging up the phone and stating out loud, ‘I can’t do this.’
After a minute or so, the person returns and apparently there are no other seats that he could find which prompts her to again mention that she was being ‘squished’.
Mac says something that can’t be made out on the video and she responds with, ‘well, I eat salad’.
Rodgers then flags a flight attendant and says: ‘Excuse me, can you find her another seat? Because I will not be verbally abused by this b***h or anybody else.
‘I will not be verbally abused by anybody. I’m not tolerating it.’
When the flight attendant asks the foul-mouthed flyer if she would like to wait in the back so that she could look to see if there was another seat available, the woman says ‘thank goodness’ and again blasts ‘I eat salads.’
‘You should be ashamed of yourself, madam,’ another passenger says calling her out. ‘What you’re doing is so terrible, you should be ashamed of yourself.’
‘I’m not politically correct,’ she quips back as another passenger says to her ‘Make America great again, that’s a good example.’
To someone else she says ‘why don’t you try and sit between those two big pigs.’
‘B***h, kiss my fat ass,’ Rodgers shouts back at her. The blonde passenger makes her way down the aisle and continues to verbally spar with other passengers- with Rodgers in turn asking who she can report the blonde woman’s behavior.
‘I am not starting my new year off with this kind of negativity,’ she says to the flight attendant.
Norma Rodgers: ‘My old days would have been to beat the b***h’s ass.’
In her own Facebook post, Rodgers expresses how angry she is about her middle seat antagonist.
‘My old days would have been to beat the b***h’s ass. The politically correct Norma called to speak with supervisors and asked that she be moved,’ Rodgers wrote.
‘Another passenger requested she be taken off the plane. Several passengers informed the supervisor of her behavior.’
The woman was then taken off the flight reported the dailymail.
The video posted on Facebook has been viewed more than 2.4 million times since being posted a week ago garnering over 12,667 comments.
A request for comment was sent to United Airlines regarding the incident. To date the identity of the blonde passenger has yet to be revealed. For now.