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Watch: Leesburg, Florida (most hated) mom repeatedly dunking 3 year old son’s head in flushing toilet

Kaitlyn Wolf
Kaitlyn Wolf, a Leesburg, Florida mother becomes most hated on the internet.
Kaitlyn Wolf
Kaitlyn Wolf, a Leesburg, Florida mother becomes most hated on the internet.

Kaitlyn Wolf, a Leesburg, Florida mother insists she was only joking while videoed repeatedly dunking her three year old son’s head in the toilet and flushing it.

A Leesburg, Florida mother is being investigated by police and social workers following video of her repeatedly dunking her 3 year old son’s head in a toilet and flushing it.

In a statement issued Sunday, the Leesburg Police Department said detectives were working with prosecutors to determine whether to bring charges against the woman, identified as Kaitlyn Wolf.

Since the video went viral, officers have had to park outside the woman’s central Florida home in response to multiple threats.

Wolf told WKMG the video has been taken out of context and that the screaming boy also was laughing. She says he said, ‘Let’s do it again’ when the video was finished.

The mother added it was, ‘all a joke,’ and that no one was hurt. Or were they?

Kaitlyn Wolf: ‘It’s just another example of how I horse around with my two sons…’

In fact, the Florida mother said, the video is just another example of how she plays with her two sons.

‘My sons and I horseplay rough,’ Wolf told WFTV. ‘We stuck his head in the toilet and flushed it. And my older son was recording it.’

In the video, Wolf is seen holding her 3-year-old son above the toilet by his arms — and then flushing it. As the water runs, she dangles the young boy closer to the toilet water.

‘God, that’s mean,’ the older boy holding the camera is heard saying.

In defending her actions, Wolf insisted that her son’s face ‘didn’t get wet.’

‘It’s not a dirty toilet,’ the mother added. ‘He wasn’t being tortured in any way.’

Wolf said the video wasn’t intended for Facebook. The Orlando Sentinel reports the video was posted by the girlfriend of the child’s father, Misty Minnie Boo.

Wolf said she’d jokingly sent the video to her babysitter, who in turn sent it to her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend. From there, Wolf said, the video quickly spread on Facebook, eventually grabbing the attention of law enforcement. Indeed…

Kaitlyn Wolf
Pictured, Leesburg, Florida mother, Kaitlyn Wolf, dunking her three year old son’s head in a toilet and flushing it.