Elizabeth Lena James a Laurens County, South Carolina woman starves her ex boyfriend’s dog for 30 days as revenge. Found tied to tree with maggots by passerby.
A South Carolina woman has admitted to intentionally starving her ex boyfriend’s dog after refusing to feed the animal for at least 30 days while chained to a tree.
Following her arrest, Elizabeth Lena James reversed her story, insisting the roped up animal had ‘refused’ to eat.
Notice of the dog’s demise came according to the Rescue Dogs Rock NYC Facebook page, after a passerby in Laurens found the dog, tentatively named and contacted Laurens County Animal Control to rescue the dog.
In a press statement, Laurens County Sheriff’s Capt. Chris Martin said the 16 month old mastiff mix was found tied to a tree, emaciated, malnourished and full of maggots and worms.
Now called ‘Champ,’ the dog which was on the verge of death is being treated at a 24-hour veterinarian clinic in Columbia.
A rescue group says he should weigh more than 100 pounds at his age, but currently weighs only 50 pounds.
Animal Control said Champ had been in James’ possession for at least 30 days and she did not feed the dog the entire time.
But it gets grimmer…

Elizabeth Lena James ex boyfriend dog on the verge of death save for passerby calling authorities:
Investigators said James was apparently feeding her own dogs while refusing to feed Champ, her ex-boyfriend’s dog because she was mad at the former boyfriend. According to James, her ex had left the dog in her care.
So severe were Champ’s ailments, the severely emaciated dog couldn’t stand on his own, was covered in maggots in his mouth and on his body and needed blood transfusions, Animal Control said.
FoxCarolina reported James being arrested on Thursday and booked into the Laurens County Detention Center.
She is charged with ill treatment of animals, animal cruelty and is out on $15,000 bail.
‘Inhumane treatment of animals will not be tolerated on my watch,’ Laurens County Sheriff Don Reynolds said in a release. ‘No animal should have to go without food and water.’
Noted a commentator on the web: ‘Two questions..Why would he leave his dog there with his ex,and not check on him for a month? And what kind of soulless person would do this to a defenseless animal? How the hell could she sleep knowing he was tied up and starving. Geez, lady, I think they’re gonna put you first in line for the Hell express.’
A Facebook page called Justice For Champ has since been created to raise money for his treatment.
Noted a recent update on Champ’s progress:
‘Best news of the day, Champ stood (with help, of course) & took a couple of steps!!!!
We are thrilled that Champ is starting to feel & look better.’