Anthony Bourdain girlfriend, Asia Argento Instagram posts (& deletes) ‘FXCK YOU’ photo before celebrity chef suicide death announcement. Did she dump the CNN celebrity chef?
In behavior that has some wondering (and then some…) the girlfriend of Anthony Bourdain who hung himself early Friday morning posted bizarre images on social media hours before news of his suicide death was made public. Images which she quickly also deleted.
According to screen shots obtained by People, Italian actress, Asia Argento, 42,posted an Instagram story that showed her wearing a ripped, black T-shirt that read, ‘F–K EVERYONE’ — with the cryptic caption, ‘You know who you are’.
The posting comes while Argento had been involved with the late celebrity chef for over a year. Upon the release of Bourdain’s suicide death, Argento’s post, no sooner that had it been posted, had now ‘mysteriously’ disappeared.
The T-shirt appeared to be of Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols. Bourdain, 61 at the time of his death, has been referred to as the Sid Vicious of the culinary world, according to MSN. It is thought Argento was not in France with Bourdain at the time of the post, but rather Italy where she had been earlier in the week.
Following dissemination of Bourdain’s suicide death at a Paris hotel room, Argento late Friday tweeted a statement about the death, saying: ‘He was my love, my rock, my protector. I am beyond devastated.’
In the hours following Bourdain’s hanging death speculation has run rampant that the 61 year old hung himself after photos surfaced of Argento with journalist Hugo Clement. Images appeared to show the two being more than just casual buddies.
The two who were photographed in Rome, Italy, Monday are seen laughing and hugging. This was also just days after Bourdain bought a moody painting with the ominous title ‘The world is falling down, I am learning to live with it’.
Of note, Bourdain and Argento were last seen together at a luncheon in May.
Whether Argento had recently broken things off with Bourdain or had left him for Clemente wasn’t immediately clear.
Of course that doesn’t dispel questions over Argento’s initial posting, “F–K EVERYONE” along with ‘You know who you are’.
Which is to wonder, who exactly is the individual Argento was referencing in the first place?
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