Home Scandal and Gossip John Greenwood Cornell student hate crime: ‘Sand nxgger’

John Greenwood Cornell student hate crime: ‘Sand nxgger’

John Greenwood Cornell student sophomore student
John Greenwood Cornell student hate crime. Pictured 20 year old sophomore student charged with hate crime.

John Greenwood Cornell student hate crime: College campus attitudes are changed as school officials deal with prevailing racist attitudes amongst student body sects. 

John Greenwood a 20 year old Cornell sophomore university student was on Monday charged with a hate crime pursuant to a recent alleged racially motivated attack on 19 year old black student, Solomon Shewit.

According to charges filed against the sophomore, Greenwood is alleged to have attacked his victim on September 15, on account of his race, leaving the man in a ‘bloodied and dizzy mess,’ told Tompkins County district attorney Matthew Van Houten.

Greenwood is also alleged to have knocked a woman’s phone out of her hand after she had recorded him calling another student a ‘sand-n*****’ at the Ithaca, NY college campus grounds.

Van Houten charged Greenwood with three misdemeanors for the alleged actions, including attempted assault in the third degree as a hate crime. 

During the September campus attack against him, Shewitt accused Greenwood and several other ‘white men,’ repeatedly punched him and called him a racist slur. 

‘They said “F*** you, n*****” over and over, as they were leaving,’ Shewit told The Cornell Sun from the hospital at the time.

‘I can’t say I’m very surprised, with the political climate in our country and [things] like this happening all around,’ reiterated Shewitt. ‘I already know this happens, but it’s just another reminder.’

Responding to the charges, Greenwood’s lawyer, Ray Schlather, said his client ‘was not involved in any physical altercation.’

In an email to the local paper, Schlather said Shewit had misled police and the community.

Of note, Greenwood previously apologized for using the inappropriate and unacceptable language.

John Greenwood Cornell student black victim Solomon Shewit speaks out: ‘We are nothing but tokens constantly paraded around.’

A separate video obtained by police appears to show Greenwood calling another student a ‘sand n******’ and later adding ‘come fight us n*****

The video is said to have been recorded around 30 minutes after the alleged Shewit assault.  

According to a female student recording the incident, Greenwood called her ugly and knocked her phone from her hand and began stomping on it.

Told the woman in a witness statement: ‘He cracked the screen and damaged a credit card that was attached to the back of the iPhone 7’. 

Shewit said that the altercation began when he and his friends were approached by several white men while returning home from a party shortly after midnight.

He said the group of white men yelled, ‘N*****! N*****! F*** you n*****!’

Shewit told police he wants ‘criminal charges pressed to the fullest extent of the law’.  

Solomon Shewit
Pictured Cornell student, Solomon Shewit.

Black Students United release statement: ‘What eludes this campus is true equality among students of color and their white counterparts, impeded by superficial conversations’ 

Responding to the hate crime, Black Students United, released a statement saying, ‘a young, hopeful black man was robbed of his dignity, safety, and identity.’

‘The aftermath of the incident serves to remind the black population at this school that we are nothing but tokens, paraded around yet never protected.’

Adding, ‘What eludes this campus is true equality among students of color and their white counterparts, impeded by superficial conversations about modern racial politics at a predominantly and historically white university.’

In the aftermath of the attack, Cornell University President Martha Pollack convened a task force to address persistent ‘bigotry and intolerance’ at the college.

To date educators have yet to say what necessarily motivated the ‘racist tirade,’ and to what degree, Greenwood’s alleged outbursts mirror ‘ingrained’ attitudes and sentiments amongst ‘white elite participants’ against those of colored participants and fellow students.

In 2006, a Cornell student Nathan Poffenbarger pleaded guilty to a hate crime assault after stabbing a black man on campus. 

And then there were these reactions on social media online that made this author wonder, see what you think?

‘Disgusting. Hope Justice is done. He should be blacklisted by potential employers and expelled by Cornell. So should his cohorts.’

‘It used to be said the KKK were dumb white southerners. Not anymore. They are also elitist in ivy league schools, professionals, etc…remember cheeto went to college and claimed to have gone to Harvard to boot.’

John Greenwood Cornell student
John Greenwood Cornell student: Photo of John Greenwood taken for his Fraternity, Psi Upsilon, which he is no longer a part of. Image via social media.