Rebecca Brock inquest: How the double life of a law student and what amounts to that of a drug mule/party girl led to one A grade student’s demise.
An inquest has told how Rebecca Brock an 18 year old law student from the UK died while on holiday in Ibiza after five bags of ecstasy exploded inside her stomach.
Notice of the Nottinghamshire teen’s death came after Brock was discovered with a pool of blood next to her head in a hotel room after traveling to the notorious party island for a friend’s birthday.
Nottingham Coroners’ Court heard staff found the ‘academically gifted’ student unresponsive in her room at the Hotel Marco Polo on Sept. 28, 2015.
Spanish police launched an investigation after the amount of the class-A drug in her system was ‘double the level’ of a normal fatal dose reported the UK’s Sun.
Toxicologist Dr Stephen Morley said Spanish authorities determined Brock having died around 48 hours before she was found in her room.
He said traces of alcohol and a ‘potentially fatal concentration’ of ecstasy were found in her body.

Rebecca Brock inquest: And the secrets the daughter held…
Giving evidence, Brock’s mother, Margarita Brock, said: ‘Spanish authorities say five bags were found which were wrapped with elastic bands. They said it would probably have been four hours before something happened.’
Brock revealed her daughter experimenting with cocaine in the past but didn’t think she would’ve taken so much ecstasy at one time.
Told the mother, ‘She tried cocaine with people she knew and people around her she knew.’
‘She said to her sister afterwards that she didn’t like it so she didn’t have to worry. She was very clear about what she let into her body and what she didn’t.’
Which is to wonder, Rebecca Brock was well versed what to reveal to her family and what not to reveal….
Brock added that her daughter had a difficult time swallowing pills and couldn’t imagine how she would have ingested the bags. Unless one is willing to imagine the unfathomable….

Rebecca Brock inquest: The denial of a family.
Reiterated the mother, ‘Becky would tell me difficult things — she was quite open about the drugs, it was the weight issues she was less keen to talk about.’
Adding, ‘She wouldn’t take any pills easily — I can’t imagine that getting in her body at all. If she didn’t have to take a pill, she wouldn’t do because she couldn’t swallow it.’
‘I can’t see any other way than someone making that happen.’
Nottinghamshire Coroner Mairin Casey recorded a conclusion that Brock’s death was drug-related.
Told Casey: ‘Becky’s parents, Margarita and Martin, dearly cared for her. She was academically gifted and was clearly cherished by her friends and family. She was well-travelled with her family and had impressive results in her A-levels.’
‘Rebecca was also very body-conscious and at one point was very thin. This was something her family were mindful of and they trusted that it was something in her own way she was addressing. She moved away from home when she went to study in the Netherlands.’

Rebecca Brock inquest: A regular but how did she fund it all?
Referring the dead teen girl as an ‘independent young woman’, Coroner Casey noted Brock had taken cocaine in Ibiza on another trip before her fatal holiday. A holiday that followed a previous holiday during peak season…
Told Casey, ‘She went on holiday to Ibiza in September 2015, where she visited twice in the summer. We remain, sadly, without some information that is particularly significant to the family and indeed for me.’
‘On Sept. 22, Becky flew to Ibiza from the Netherlands — it was something she had organized herself. She was captured on CCTV imaging and it is clear she had checked into her hotel. On her arrival, Becky had various communications.’
‘(Becky and her friends) planned to meet on the night of Sept. 22 and they went to a club — with many of them socializing together. She didn’t have any contact with anyone after Sept. 23.’
‘On the morning of Sept. 28, she was tragically found deceased in the hotel room. Spanish authorities gave the cause of death as an adverse reaction to drugs and a ruptured body pack. The date of death was recorded as Sept. 26.’
‘The evidence given (by the experts) was extensive and today I rely on their reports to make the following findings.’
‘Becky died of MDMA intoxication commonly known as ecstasy. I find that no other substance was found in her body that could have contributed to her death. I find that she had not taken alcohol other than in a moderate amount.’
‘There was no evidence of a form of assault. No witnesses to the investigation had seen her take drugs in Ibiza. I find it impossible to say how a pack or packs were ingested. How these bags were in her stomach we will never know.’
‘It is likely that Becky became unwell and confused and most probably died a short time thereafter. It is not possible to say whether she would have been conscious or not. The conclusion I arrive at is this is a drug related death.’
Addressing the family, she added: ‘I would also like to mention your tremendous dignity here today. I cannot imagine what that loss must have felt like.’
‘I have done the best I can to give you some answers and I offer you my sincerest condolences.’
After the inquest, Brock said outside court: ‘The coroner probably said it all. I don’t want to add much more than that.’
‘There are some answers but there are also some clear gaps.’

And social media weighed in too:
And then there were these comments on the web that echoed this author’s sentiments. See what you think?
‘Gone to Holland to collect the drugs and then carried on to Ibizia to at least triple her money…..not hard to work out!’
‘Hmm…took three trips to Ibiza over three consecutive peak season months. She admitted to taking drugs and I highly doubt she was forced to swallow three bags of ecstasy. As sad as it is I think it is pretty clear what this young lady was up to.’
‘Unless from a wealthy family, how does an 18 year old finance, three trips to Ibiza with the attendant hotel costs and a trip to the Netherlands. Not by working, as she seems to have spent the whole summer holidaying. Perhaps that’s why she had bags of MDMA in her stomach.’