Make Yourself More Employable College Graduate: A primer on how as a candidate you just might make yourself stand ahead of other candidates.
With an increasing number of graduates struggling to find employment, some people are giving up on the idea of going to college altogether. But, whether you’re in the process of completing your bachelor’s degree or have recently graduated but haven’t had any job offers since, there’s no need to feel disheartened or quit.
In fact, there are many things that you can do to make yourself more employable, even if you’re studying for or have got a degree in a topic that isn’t in high demand. We’ve listed some of the best ways for college students or recent graduates to improve their chances of finding a job.
Go Back to College
When you’re already hundreds of thousands of dollars in student debt, forking out more to return to college might not be an idea that’s at the forefront of your mind. But, the truth is, college graduates who have a masters degree or a doctorate are often much more employable than those with a bachelor’s degree.
Along with that, not everybody studies for an advanced degree, so going back to college can surely pay off by giving you an edge over your competition when applying for jobs. For more information, check out the criminal justice masters program online from Boston University. The great news is that online degrees often cost a lot less, so you can get your online masters in criminal justice or any other topic without having to significantly increase your student debt.
Of course, for those of you who are lost as to how to show off your extra qualifications there is always onlineresumebuilders.

Studying for an online degree
Online degrees are better in many ways. Besides being more affordable, you can lead a flexible life. Online lessons allow you to balance school, work, and life. They can also teach you to be more responsible in life. Besides, it allows you to be more motivated in life.
For instance, if you graduate with an online degree, you prove you can prioritize and multitask various tasks. This implies you are an intrinsically motivated person, which most employers look for in a potential employee.
Studying online allows you to get all the support you need with your career. For instance, if you decide to advance your nursing career from an RN to NP program, your progress gets monitored closely. Your tutors will expect you to log into all sessions. While at it, they can discuss all your needs and highlight improvements needed.
Employers want to hire someone with effective time management. Studying for an online degree allows you to juggle life, work, and school which proves you can effectively manage your time.
Voluntary Work
One of the biggest problems that graduates face when applying for a job is that they don’t have any relevant experience in their field. Whilst taking part in voluntary work or doing an internship is encouraged throughout your college career, many students find that in order to land a great job offer once they graduate, it’s important to impress potential employers with a good resume.
Even if you’ve already graduated, finding an internship could be the best way to a job offer as if the employer likes you, they don’t need to wait for you to earn your degree to hire you full-time. Voluntary work, even if it’s just one day per week, is also a very rewarding experience and can look awesome on your resume, leading to a better chance of getting job offers.

Work Abroad
If you can’t find a job in your town or even your state, there’s no need to worry as with a degree, the world really is your oyster. The great thing about getting a degree from an American college is that your qualification will be recognized worldwide, therefore there’s no need to limit yourself when it comes to finding a job.
Working abroad can be a hugely enriching experience where you’ll be able to make new friends for life, explore a different culture and perhaps even learn a new language! And, with this experience behind you, you’ll be far more attractive to potential employers back home.
If you’ve recently graduated and are trying to find a job, there’s no need to give up and sell your diploma on eBay!