Were the deaths of one Florida teen couple found dead inside SUV in a St Petersburg, Florida garage accidental or the result of a suicide pact?
Dorian Andres Gomez Poehlmann, 17, and his 14-year-old girlfriend, Emily Rose Sabow, have been discovered deceased in the boy’s family garage early on Monday.
Leading into the shocking discovery, the pair had been reported missing Sunday night.
Using GPS phone data, family members were able to locate the couple inside the family garage where Dorian’s mother found their lifeless bodies.
To date police have told of the pair being overcome by fumes after leaving the vehicle running and closing the garage door.
Investigators say the deaths don’t appear to be suicides, though they did not specify what led them to that conclusion.
‘It appears that this was a horrible tragedy that has clearly devastated both of these families,‘ said Assistant Chief Jim Previtera.
Told a police statement: ‘Preliminary indications are that the two victims had decided to sit in the car sometime last night, leaving the car running and at some point closed the garage door.
During that time they were overcome by the fumes and passed out. According to investigators at this point all indications are that the deaths were strictly accidental in nature.’
But questions remain.
Police said Poehlmann left his mother’s home Sunday afternoon to pick up Sabow in the family’s 2002 Mitsubishi SUV. Unbeknownst to Poehlmann’s mother, her son had returned with his girlfriend to the detached garage. At some point, the door closed, trapping the teens inside the unventilated garage.
After calling his cellphone with no response, Poehlmann’s mother reported the children missing at approximately 11 p.m. local time Sunday.
Both teens’ families tried to access the garage early in their search, but were unable to pry the door open.
‘Because of a garage door opener, they couldn’t get the door up but they didn’t believe the kids were there,’ Previtera told Fox 13.
Which raises the question why weren’t the family able to get the door open. Could one under normal circumstances pry the door open from the outside? Or were the doors purposefully shut from the inside? And if so, why?
It wasn’t until early Monday morning that information from Poehlmann’s iPhone led to the families back to the garage, where they were able to open the door using kitchen tools where they made the shocking discovery.
The St. Petersburg Times reported that Poehlmann’s body slumped out of the SUV as if he had tried to get out.
Adding fissure that the teen’s death may have been accidental was that the SUV had run out of gas. Run out of gas by design or as a result of an accident?
To date investigators were still trying to determine why the garage door closed with the SUV still inside.
At present it is not understood why or if any reason the young couple may have had any aspiration to end their lives…