Charisa Argys a Colorado mother has found herself the recipient of death threats nearly a year after she first posted an image of a dead Mountain lion she had shot whilst on a hunting trip.
The image came to go viral after German journalist and animals rights activist, Silvia Wadhwa commented on a picture of Argys’s daughter and housecat by linking to the picture of the mountain lion – sending the photograph viral and sparking vitriol.
‘I posted a photo of my daughter with her recently adopted housecat on our local Humane Society Facebook page,’ said Argys.
‘The next thing I knew, this Silvia person commented on and posted a link to my personal page with a photo of my mountain lion. I have no idea how she found me.’
Commented Wadhwa on Charisa Argy’s Facebook post: ‘Sadly, you don’t love ALL cats, Madame.’
The image would soon be reposted to animal rights groups and anti-hunting forums such as the International Animal Rescue Foundation World Action – where Argys received a barrage of criticism.
Tells Charisa Argys to the criticism she has since found herself being subjected to: ‘I have never been called so many horrible, hateful names in my life.’
‘They even went as far as to post my full name, address and directions to my house.’
After this, Argys managed to get World Action to remove the photograph and directions to her house, however on forums across the Internet, the criticism remained.
‘They were calling me horrible names. They were saying they wanted to kill me, they wanted to see me dead, they called me fat, they called me ugly, they called me the B-word, they called me the C-word,’ told Argys to CBS.
‘There really wasn’t anything they weren’t willing to call me and to say.’
One comment reads, ‘The only answer is to take out these psychopaths. Problem solved — animals saved.’
Another comment calls for ‘an eye for an eye.’
And another, ‘You are a disgrace to those of us who respect life, human and animal. I’d love to hunt YOU and hang YOUR head on my living room wall.
‘You know it was definitely cyberbullying. These were not just threats but I would say they were terroristic threats,’ said Argys.
Indeed, while World Action did remove the photograph, they did replace it with an article about women hunters on their sister website, speakupforthevoiceless.
The article is specifically about women hunters and labels them as having ‘antisocial personality disorder or sociopathology.’
Charisa Argys has told that she is appalled at the level of abuse she is receiving.
Argys has been hunting since she was three and said that the hunt for the mountain lion that day was her best.
Reiterated Argys: ‘I am very proud of what I had accomplished that day,’
Despite doing nothing illegal that day, Argys has been unfairly targeted according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokesman Mike Porras,
Told Porras: ‘You may not like hunting, we understand that. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to express your opinions,’
Argys said that she contacted Wadhwa to let her know the stress she had caused her.
Wadhwa in return replied she cannot condone trophy killing, ‘But I do not and will not ever condone or encourage insults, threats or death wishes.’
Charisa Argys added she will not be intimidated by the online threats.
‘If I don’t stand up for myself and I don’t take a position on what I feel passionate about how can I expect my children to stand up if it happens to them?’
‘It was an extreme hunt and it was well worth it.’
According to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Charisa Argys hunted her mountain lion in an area where there is an effort to reduce the number of wild cats.
Charisa Argys has also told that she plans to keep hunting.