Oh to be one of the most flashiest talented football players the world has ever laid eyes on….
It seems Manchester City‘s key striker Mario Balotelli has put all his concerns aside as he has taken to St Tropez, France to blow some much needed steam.
Seen gallivanting in the company of svelte women the 21 year old football striker hardly betrayed any concerns about claims from former girlfriend, 27 year old Raffella Fico that she was carrying his baby. If anything he seemed to be behaving without a care in the world as he unabashedly drank out of a champagne bottle at an exclusive VIP room.
On extended leave, the footballer has been the center of assertions from former girlfriend, Italian model Raffella Fico that she is carrying his child and that he will have to account for its well being once the child is born. Something that might be a touchy issue given the large sloshing of transfer fees on Mario’s beautiful head.
As of last week, the footballer called Fico’s behavior disappointing (indeed, all women are disappointing are they not?) as he learned through third parties(the indignant nature of it all!) that Ms Fico is purportedly pregnant with his child. Since being notified, the footballer is said to be saddened that it has taken Ms Fico 4 months to confirm the rumor and only after he reached out to her. At present he has insisted on a paternity test, to which Ms Fico has to date failed to agree to unless of course she has already had one done behind closed doors….
Don’t you wish you were an uber talented football star with a flotilla of women who can’t help but be giddy when you half way glance at them? Don’t worry Raffella, I’m sure Mario will eventually come round….