Home Pop Culture Tinsley Two-face Mortimer.

Tinsley Two-face Mortimer.


Devorah Rose.

at least had the integrity to stick to their made-up story.  Either we know each other or we don’t.  Either we are enemies or we aren’t.  Sending sweet text messages doesn’t exactly seem like what you do to strangers or enemies, does it?  Why would they even have my phone number?

Here is what I’ve learned from my unfortunate interactions with the Mercer sisters: Ambition can be healthy and good, but not when it trumps morality.  On the show, my quips never touched on gender, physicality, sexual orientation, or race in order to create drama. Yet Tinsley and her minions – whose very own show benefits from the drama I created – instead go with below-the-belt attacks and outright character assassination. Perhaps they simply aren’t bright enough to be dramatic without making derogatory and offensive comments.

For all of Tinsley’s efforts to portray herself as the queen bee of the upper class, the woman is clearly devoid of class. Something that Jackie O, Audrey Hepburn and Princess Di all had that Tinsley and her Dynasty-reject mother lack is a regard for others.  While I made comments along the lines of “she’s about as royal as Burger King,” (news flash, Tins, this is an entirely true statement that shouldn’t be offensive!) her mother Dale derides my lips and says that I’m “common.”

I know that this family wants to pretend that they are somehow better than everyone else, to the point that Tinsley would film with no one but her mother, her sister and Paul Johnson Calderon (who is, in his own mind at least, “already at the top” yet subservient in his desire to be her stylist).  Think about who else she filmed with – maids, handbag factory workers, etc.  Look at the kind of press she agrees to do – photo shoots with the girls of Jersey Shore in which Tinsley is depicted as some kind of paragon of refinement for the lower classes to emulate.  For Jackie O (wife of an iconic president), Audrey Hepburn (talented actress and movie star) and Princess Di (real royalty, not the Burger King variety), it was their complete disregard for their actual status that gave them what we refer to as “class.”  It is Tinsley Mortimer’s hyper-awareness of social status and neurotic desire to scurry up the social ranks and trumpet herself that makes her such a lowly, classless creature.

So, Tins: You can fool Gawker, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Vogue and so many others into thinking you are some kind of model of sophistication when you really have the morals, will power and hunger for camera time of a drunken co-ed flashing a Girls Gone Wild camera.  I can see what you are really like and I only hope that others come around.



  1. To be sure I asked Tinsley permission for an interview . I never heard from her. But I was and still am open to nuanced discussion for what passes as society, reality TV and character.

    My offer still stands. In the meantime, Devorah can you pass me a box of tissues….?

  2. I actually liked Tinz and her whole NY set from Social Rank ages ago. Admittedly, I’m from outside the US so it was just abit of interest that got me to check them out. Now after seeing High Society, I’m glad I’m over that stage; Time to get real with LIFE and appreciate what I have and not become so foolish as to watch MORONS on tv. Ufff, what was I thinking??? Please people, wake up from the illusion of MONEY>FAME>STATUS>BEAUTY>ALL THINGS MATERIAL.. xx

  3. Devorah Rose giving a lesson in class is ironic. Last time I watched High Society you were throwing a glass at some other low life.

  4. It is my understanding that Constantine may regret signing on with the show. Comments from various well wishers uttering the words “High Society” on his Facebook wall were deleted post haste. Which begs the question, because of moral standards or poor ratings?

  5. Dale Mercer, feeling she has to remind people about her “class” and stature in society, shows that she has neither. Neither do the rest of these elites who flaunt their money and supposed status. It’s just a bunch of people behaving badly and pathetically and contributing nothing to society.

    Sort of reminds me of our current President. He keeps reminding us that he’s the President. Guess he wants to remind us he has power. Unfortunately when someone has to remind you, it means they don’t.

    Actions speak louder than words every single time.

    I don’t give a rats ass if Tinsley is 33 or 35 – any woman over the age of 18 who still refers to her mother as “mommie” is simply pathetic. I feel sorry for this girl. I don’t think she has any real life skills. It’s part of the curse when you have everything handed to you.

    Yet I feel somehow that she yearns for a way out of it.

    Ratings should improve next week when CONSTANTINE is on the show. Yippee!!! Glad that relationship seems to be over. He still has loads of class.

  6. The scripted melodrama of this reality farce gone wild continues on. If you want to know why America is going to hell in the hand basket its because far too many of our citizens listen to folks like Sarah Palin who reads from the script handed it to her by propagandists while others are consumed with the WWF Melodrama of Devorah vs. The Tinz. No offense to either lady, I would much rather knock boots with JWOWW from The JERSEY SHORE, even if she would kick my ass or dump me on the sidewalk when she was through with me. Actually there is a reason why more people in America watched “The Situation” and the paisan’s from the Jersey Shore: its because these guys were comical in their social climb. They are more straight up that GTL is simply all about the Benjamins Baby. They are keeping it real.

  7. I tired to watch this show but it sucks bullets. Where did this gal come from all of a sudden? She’s not even pretty, she looks hard and definitely snobby. I guess making a pocket book is her claim to fame. I can’t see where anything else could be even closely associated with fame. With that said, why is she on TV?

  8. BTW, is it just me or is the Tinz not much taller than Snooki? Everytime I see her out, I’m shocked by how short she is.

  9. Up until now, I’ve refrained on commenting, but this Tinsley woman and her antics are just too disgusting to refrain from commenting any longer. here goes:

    A desperate joke if there ever was one. As another comment rightly noted, THIS is ‘class’? Wasn’t she hosting some cheesy as* party at FoxWoods casino this past weekend? Oh man. Yes, I can just see Jackie O taking $5,000 or whatever to host a party full of frat boys and guidos. Please.

    First off, stop lying about your age. She is claiming to be 33 when there are articles online that show she is a couple of years older. Why is being 35 a bad thing? Own it and be prouf of it! But the fact that she thinks she can get away with lying about her age just shows how arrogant and delusional this woman is!

    Second, you have NO fashion sense. Stop. Look at the furniture in the apartment. As a commentator also rightly noted, it is indeed decorated in grandmother-style (no surprise, considering it’s her elderly mom who takes ‘credit’ for the decor). Yikes. How is she supposed to be a fashionista (at least in Japan!) when her apartment looks like a 1980’s country bed-and-breakfast? Having been to her and Topper’s UES apartment, I can assure you it’s decorated the same way. Yikes.

    Third, stop, stop, stop with the “I come from money” thing. Please. Anyone with (a) a computer and internet access; and (b) the slightest brain … can see you are not. First off, your mother wouldn’t grovel and hysterically concern herself with ‘status’ and ‘money’ the way she does, if she truly were upper class. And her father? Google “George Mercer.” You’d be shocked. He wrote a whole letter to the Daily News a few years back HYSTERICALLY (why do I keep having to use that word to describe the Mercers?) arguing that they DO come from old money. Hmmm, ok. It reminds me of that one NY Times (?) piece where Tinsley showed up at the interview with CLIPPINGS of her supposed (previous) large family home. What true old-money people do you know that would go out of their way that much, or care as much? None!!!! Anyway, google “Mercer Rug Cleansing.” They cleaned people’s rugs. Of course, Tinsley claims that her father is a ‘real estate investor’. Hmmm, yeah — anyone can claim to be something as nebulous/vague as a ‘real estate investor.’ ‘Real estate investor’ or ‘financier’ always seems to be the default title for someone who wants to pretend to be something their not — as it’s too ambiguous a title to disprove. Tinsley, why don’t you instead show us some newspaper clippings from back-in-the-day of your supposed old-money family, Tinsley? Surely there must be old clippings/photos/announcements of your great-grandparents/grandparents at society events noted in the papers, etc. Moreover, someone told me Tinsley attended Lawrenceville on a tennis SCHOLARSHIP. Is that true? It would make sense. And where did Dabney go to high school? If these girls are so upper class, let’s see where Dabney went to school… Why is her background never written about? We know she’s the boring, blank-slate sister but, come on… They kind of keep her in the basement. Poor thing.

    Anyway, this whole show is a disgrace. Tinsley made a big gamble ruining her position in society (admittedly, she did have one), thinking she would become a huge celebrity across the country and rake in millions. Sadly, the gamble didn’t pay off and, once the show is canceled or eventually off the air, she’ll have to go back to the society where she is now a joke. Ouch. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Samatha Thavasa drops her line — although the Japanese are eager to lap up American culture, they are sophisticated enough to separate a discredited imposter (tinsley) from the real thing.

  10. ‘..for Jackie O, Audrey Hepburn and Princess Di, it was their complete disregard for their actual status that gave them what we refer to as “class.” It is Tinsley Mortimer’s hyper-awareness of social status and neurotic desire to scurry up the social ranks and trumpet herself that makes her such a lowly, classless creature..’

    Precisely. Those who concern themselves with matters of class, by definition, have none.

  11. I think the whole thing is incredibly sad,well you have Devorah,who has always acted stuck up,mean and generally judgemental of people “beneath her” or not as well off as her or “society”.This is the realest that I have EVER seen her..Tinsley is no role model herself,she clearly likes the attention otherwise,she wouldve addressed the issue politely and to devorahs face NOT have her menace of a mother butt in with her opinions of “common people”..
    I feel sad for them because they clearly have NO sense of reality!
    If its your launch of your new job,then isn’t it the pr teams job to stop party crashers and if your such a kind person,then can’t you pick up a phone and face the music?
    Good luck to these lost souls whom everybody is now laughing at..
    I’m done!

  12. So Tinsely is just a facade after all? I wonder what her new ‘gay’ room mate thinks of her? Isn’t it time Tinsley followed in Ashley Dupre’s footsteps and appeared in Playboy? After all if a call girl can do it, why not a fame whore?

  13. tinsley has a roommate now. why would some rich divorce need a roommate? he is in his early 20s and is gay. her loft is outfitted with magazines face up just of her on covers. not vogue of course but like north carolina society crap. my friends were over there the other night when she was out of town to party with the roommate. he said he felt like he was at his grandmother’s due to the furniture that was excavated from poor Topper’s apartment and wrongfully placed in a loft. he said there are only photos of her on walls and furniture. not family photos, glam and society event shots.

  14. Bravo Devorah! Great to see somebody telling it like it is and standing up to Tinz!! Love the Girls Gone Wild reference…ha!

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