Home Performing Arts Comedienne Delivers the Goshko Truth.

Comedienne Delivers the Goshko Truth.


Leslie regaled the audience with a series of unbelievable stories as unpredictable as her dad. There’s the time her half-naked father drag-raced his daughter on a riding lawnmower, or the time Leslie delivered pizza to the mob, or the time her mother marched her business into bankruptcy.  Aside from the rampant insanity of growing up Goshko, Leslie shared moments of grace, of charity, and redemption for her father that was a long time coming. Vodka Shoes is a triumph.

Vodka Shoes is presented as part of the New York FRIGID Festival, a mosaic of 30 independent shows broken up into three theaters: The Kraine Theater, The Red Room, and Under St. Marks. 100% of the proceeds go to the performers.  The Festival runs through March 7th.

3 performances remain, on Thursday, March 4th at 9, Friday the 5th at 7:30, and Sunday the 7th at 1.  For tickets, visit www.FRIGIDnewyork.info, or call Smarttix at 212-868-4444.  You can also visit Leslie at her personal website, www.ohmygoshko.com.



  1. Leslie Goshko is not only hillarious but I believe she represents a happy and entertaining future for comedy. She gives me and other folks some serious laughter. Thanks Ms. Gosko!

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