Much ado about menswear. The General Idea presentation at Exit Art showed us a men’s line that was two parts punk, one part glam, and early 1980s all over. A collection that to date has certainly piqued our interest as the new hot line to watch our for.
This line is cool through and through. The super hot (sorry, it’s been a long week of scrutinizing women) male models worked these clothes like rockstars who pour whiskey on their morning Froot Loops. The paint-splattered denim was too tight to label skinny jeans- drumstick jeans, perhaps? Like the sticks for your drum, not the legs on your chicken, of course. Leather and layers prevail throughout the looks (some things never change), but there was also a new way for cool men to wear shorts and unusually exaggerated proportions in jacketing that hasn’t been seen elsewhere.